The levels of equipment

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Oddysee, Sep 14, 2013.

  1. Oddysee

    Oddysee Kobold

    Hi there. I discovered Card Hunter last night, and I'm really liking it so far. I have a question though. I assumed that the level shown on equipment (level 2, level 5 etc) are the levels you need to use that equipment. However, it seems I can use level 2 equipment on level 1 characters. Can someone explain this please?
  2. Dash

    Dash Mushroom Warrior

    It's just a measure of equipment power, and of the level of adventure where you can get that equipment.

    It also affects the prices of the equipment in shops. Buying equipment that's above your level costs more gold.

    Thirdly, as you get up to 7 or 8, it is (somewhat) related to power token usage.
  3. Oddysee

    Oddysee Kobold

    Ak, okay then. Looks like I misunderstood what the levels meant, thanks very much.
  4. Swiffle

    Swiffle Mushroom Warrior

    Higher level items may have power token requirements, which require you to be high enough level to have enough power tokens to equip them. You start getting minor power tokens(blue bead icon) at level 7, and major power tokens(gold bead icon) at level 15. Item level itself doesn't really matter, and only seems to be a very general indicator of how good an item is. If you've gotten far enough in the game to get the free multiplayer party(level 6 or so), it might make more sense as the party members come with a bunch of high level items, so you can see how they used some high and some low level items in a build for level 18 party members.

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