Now, we all know there has been a lot of talk of the mythical "Rogue" class and when and how it's going to be implemented. Well, I'd just thought I'd toss out my take on how it could work. Now, I'm going to be adding some more Ranger-ish elements, as the lack of long range melee available to players is irritating to me personally, and I don't think a Ranger class by itself could be added without it either massively changing the game, or adding JUST long range melee attacks, which isn't really enough to merit a new class in my opinion, nor theft alone for that matter, hence the melding. The Rogue would introduce 3 to 4 new item types, depending on a weapon type split I'll detail later. The guaranteed weapon types would be Ranged(Bows to slings, basic medieval projectile weapons.), Light Armor(About the only armor type NOT already in the game, so a more obvious choice there is not.) and, obviously, Rogue skills(Theft and various other cards). Another possible addition that could take place is if we split the Warriors Weapons into One-Handed and Two-Handed. Now, why the distinction? Well, for one, and this is more a personal note, I've always found that the Warrior has 3 weapon slots an oddity anyway(I can wield 3 swords? What does this look like, One Piece? And don't get me started on spear silliness.) and adding the distinction would alleviate that, letting the Warrior dual wield one handed weapons and carry around a larger heavy weapon for those tough ground in foes. Two, the rouge would be allowed a One-Handed and a Ranged weapon, part of the Ranger influence, and also allows him to really be a bit of a jack of all trades as far as straight fighting is concerned without letting him get too overpowered, and totally invalidating any of the already here classes. As for HP, put him at a point slightly above or below priest, depending on whether his Ranged skills or Theft skills are emphasized(This IS, after all, a suggestion, not a hard and fast idea.) and I think we're good. Thoughts, balance issues(I'm an ideas guy, not a balancer, so there's probably something I missed.) and the pointing out of problems are appreciated.
Many of the most popular warrior weapons are clearly one-handed; do you want to let rogues use them too? (Rageblood Dagger, Bejeweled Shortsword, Blazing Shortsword, Vibrant Pain)
Not only this, but if you mix up the weapon types then rogues will be too diverse and lose to more focused wizards and warriors.
Well, okay, just give them Ranged weapons and call it a day. I was just trying to give them some ability to defend themselves when they're trying to steal cards from the enemies. Maybe just emphasize free movement instead. Lots of dodges and other move/block cards.
I'm pretty sure warriors aren't trying to wield their three weapons all at the same time. They are just carrying those three weapons so that they can switch between them when needed. If you look at the figurines for the warriors, they tend to have weapons strapped to their backs. Also, there are lots of ranged melee attacks in the game. Most priest weapons give ranged melee attacks. So I'm not sure what you're talking about there. Perhaps you mean physical attacks that are longer range than priest spears and pole-arms? eg. bows and crossbows and throwing spears. (Those would not be 'melee', but they would be 'physical'.) I think it would be kind of cool if Rogues had 1 (warrior type) weapon slot, and some new types of item slots - just because I kind of like a small amount of overlap between the classes. (I like that priests and warriors both have a shield, but wizards do not.) On the other hand, I'm not sure if Rogues are meant to have the kind of high-damage attacks which would be enabled by giving them a warrior weapon.
Thank you, that's what I meant, I just lost the word at the time, and, yeah, I can see that being the case. And, yes, that overlap was exactly what I was thinking of, as I was trying to add the bare minimum amount of new items to the game as possible, so as to keep the old ones as relevant as possible, savvy? The reason I wanted to split warrior's weapons was because I wanted them to have an overlap with them, but I wanted it to make some sense thematically(You ever see a thief using a greatsword?) but, obviously, that was a flop. Maybe make daggers and such a class onto themselves, maybe let warriors carry only one of them, and let the rogue carry one along with his bow, sling, etc., you know, when you just have to stab someone in the back.
The word we're looking for here is "Projectile". So far I've only seen two Projectile cards usable by players: Entangling Roots and War Cry. Thinking about this some more, I can see an argument that these items would be more balanced if they were only usable by squishy Rogues. But I think the biggest danger is having the Rogue class turn into those monkeys everyone hates. (Though this may convince BM to nerf some of those cards...)
I get the feeling that this is what they are going for as one rogue build, with ranged attacks being a second build path.
Some of the bad guys use bows, so it would be easy to implement that for the players. No doubt the slings and nets could also be made available as a "Rogue Set" too.