The Grave-Walker Contract

Discussion in 'Custom Scenarios and Boards' started by BlackVoidDeath, Aug 14, 2015.

  1. BlackVoidDeath

    BlackVoidDeath Guild Leader

    The Grave-Walker Contract


    You have been travelling from village to village, town to town, searching for adventure! One day you come across a village which is infamous for the rogue monkey band which was know for pillaging this village.
    As you walk through the half ruined village you catch some of the residence eyeing you and your massive sword and glowing shield, until one approaches you "Hail traveller, are you looking for gold?" You answer positivity and the peasant leads you to the largest building in the village. You enter and spot a "wealthy" looking man sitting on an ok looking chair at the back of the house, as you approach him the peasant disappears out the front door.
    "Are you here for the contract?" he asks, with hope in his voice. You ask of what contract he speaks of and he explains that there is a bounty on the rogue war monkeys and he who slaughters them will get 10000 gold as their reward. You agree and the man orders a servant of his to show you to the monkey's hideout.
    As you approach the hideout you notice a portal hovering over a large rock, what is this you wonder? but as you think of the possibilities, arrows fly out from the trees at your wagon. The servant drops dead from a single arrow to the head and the horse gallops away. A few arrows hit you but ping off your shield which you draw with lightning speed. Monkeys jump out from the trees and scamper towards the portal!
    You must stop them!, who knows what horror may come from this portal to hell?

    The Grave-Walker Contract.jpg Sorry about the small screenshot, I am playing on a laptop atm but will post a bigger one asap.

    You swing your sword one last time and behead the last monkey... silence. Now to destroy the portal, you rip out the rock from underneath the portal and fling it at the portal. It explodes into a shower of red transparent shards falling all around and setting fire to the places they fall. Yet again you shield yourself with your shield and luckily the shards dont hit the trees so there wont be any wildfire.
    You return back to the village and collect your prize, not only have you saved this village, you may have saved many lives of other village-folk.

    Please help me make changes to this map to make it more balanced (I think its quite balanced but if anyone has ideas on how to try and make it more balanced I would appreciate it.)
    I also wanted this scenario to be more D&D-like so I created a larger story to explain it :)

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    Last edited: Aug 14, 2015
    LeisureSuitLoli likes this.

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