The future of figures

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Kalin, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Yet? Does this mean you're thinking of making prize figures available in Cuthbert's? Pretty please?

    I would really like to see all figures (except the beta exclusives) available in some way in the future. For league prizes, you could have them winnable when their league returns (maybe changing the free leagues to pizza leagues for this purpose) or from different leagues.

    I originally assumed that the foil figures would simply be sold at a higher price (the price table already supports 200p and 500p figures).

    I want the holiday figures to return when their holiday returns. Even better (for players) would be creating new sets of holiday figures and selling the old ones at half price. I think it would be really cool to see Hurthin, Tineva, and Caroline (from the Adventurers starter deck) dressed in non-fantasy costumes for Halloween (doctor, lawyer, cop) to mirror the founders set. I may even do some fan art along these lines.

    Simply having the option of female figures is depressingly rare these days, but I wish we had a full set of choices for race/class/sex for free. Maybe add nine new free figures when we celebrate the first anniversary of the game's release? They don't have to be especially fancy or cool, you could just take the existing free figures and genderswap them and darken their skin tones and I'd be happy.
  2. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    I might be wrong, but what I think Jon really meant is the fact the figures need to be included in the prod client before winners can use them. Not sure if they intend to sell those as other regular figures but I'd doubt, if anything else because of other figures-as-prizes (think, the ones you could win via leagues) haven't been put on sale... yet.
  3. rowspower

    rowspower Goblin Champion

    As a relatively new comer to the game, I would love to see some of the older figures become available in the store. Anything to entice me to spend more money on this awesome game is a plus, and while I love the figures I already own (man those Skeletal Dwarves <3) I would love to buy more.
  4. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    I'll say this... a lot of people fought hard in the spring pvp season in order to win what they thought were 'exclusive' rewards. While maybe those rewards shouldn't have been exclusive, I think it probably sucks a lot for those folks if someone else can just spend 80p to get what they struggled for under false pretexts. I really hope @Jon doesn't sell the ooze figures, and that if, in the future, he wants to sell rewards, this should be public knowledge before the rewards are contended for.
    Stexe likes this.
  5. rowspower

    rowspower Goblin Champion

    Did Jon ever say all figures would sell for 80p? I think most exclusive figures should stay exclusive, but I think some of figures could be released with a much higher pizza cost. They don't need to be priced like League of Legends skins, but certainly they could release a line of 160p, or hell, even 300p figures for some people who:

    A) cannot devote the same amount of time as the best/most dedicated players and
    B) for the people like me who are just looking for more ways to support Blue Manchu and the game.

    Point A is obviously very subjective, and I'll reiterate: exclusive figures should remain exclusive (ie. the slime figures and the beta rewards), but figures like the holiday figures or league prizes should be available to purchase after x number of weeks/months. Maybe a system like the Back from the Vault that League of Legends does (did? I don't recall, it's been nearly two years since I've played) with their retired skins.
    Flaxative likes this.
  6. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    I agree, if rewards are to be exclusive or not should be known, and kept. However, I don't remember anywhere hearing that the Season rewards were to be exclusive (though obviously I could have missed it), and actually in my mind expected they would not be. That said, I think it would be appropriate if they were at some point made publicly available that there be a period of maybe 3-6 months before they are purchasable. This at least gives the reward recipients exclusive early (and free!) access which would seem like a legitimate prize.
    rowspower likes this.
  7. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    If they cost way more than 80p that would *probably* be cool, but I don't want to say too much on behalf of the season winners.
  8. Vakaz

    Vakaz Guild Leader

    I'm pretty sure Jon just meant that he hasn't added them into the game yet... :rolleyes:
    Flaxative likes this.
  9. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    Jon said the slime figures were exclusive to just the season. Maybe if he runs another season he'll have them as prizes again. But I'd prefer they not be sold in the store or something.

    And yes, anything that is "exclusive" has to be specifically stated. It is a huge problem that Riot Games ran into with their skins and that was the leading factor on what caused me to quit playing it. They said one thing for 3+ years and then changed their mind and screwed over everyone who supported them from the start.

    The seasonal figures Jon said he would most likely bring back.

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