The cactus brothers

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by Moua, Apr 21, 2015.

  1. Moua

    Moua War Monkey

    Hello everyone,
    I played cult of the bejeweled for a while but I'm tired of it (surprisingly !) so I started this little team not far ago with a mass frenzy/purging priest and the cactus brothers as little uncommon stabbing elves. I made the priest more versatile, less consistent and made some little changes on the cactus brothers too. My ELO came up to the 1400 but I'm kind of stuck now.
    Unfortunately I've only one Crazy Sal's Halberd and Raging Battler ...
    I've always been terrible at making a good deck whatever the game is, I know it so don't hesitate to point out my obvious mistake (even my grammar or spelling ones ...).

    If you have some constructive advice, throw them to me !

    Level 18 Dwarf Warrior

    Level 18 Dwarf Warrior

    Level 20 Human Priest
  2. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Your warriors are both using a (majortoken) to fulfill a (minortoken) item. Why not upgrade your shields to Aegis of the Defender?
    Flaxative likes this.
  3. Moua

    Moua War Monkey

    Maybe I'm wrong but I prefer to block a 11 damage melee attack than a 4 damage magic attack.
  4. Jezterscap

    Jezterscap Lizardman Priest

    you are right somewhat, blocks are better for melee. I probably would use parry buckler over aegis even if it took up a major token.
  5. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    I like Defender's Block better for a number of reasons. Sure, it's better to block melee than to block magic, BUT:
    • Defender's Block can effectively pass cards to characters under fire.
    • Defender's Block isn't a dead card if I'm not being attacked in melee—and it's still really good against melee (only 1 die roll worse than Parry, and still has the above advantage).
  6. Moua

    Moua War Monkey

    True and true, it's also true that we usually throw our weakest attack first in a round, when there is a wizard often a magic one, especially a burst one, popping out the defender's blocks and leaving an open path for the devastating melee attack.
    Am I right in some way or really stubborn and should not ask for more help if I can't get it ? :rolleyes:
    Anyway, I'll give it a try, I've only two of those shield so they'll come to the cactus brother, symmetry is beauty.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2015

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