Talents getting confusing: new talent at level 19 finds yet another way to confuse

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Sir Knight, Feb 8, 2013.

  1. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Let me preface this: the talent system is awesome, both in practical terms and in the slick animation for it. I guess it's no surprise, though, that we've piled up all sorts of issues on talents. A bunch of them are probably interrelated and hopefully can be made less confusing for the player.

    Here's yet another confusion. My adventurers had just reached level 19 and earned a new clear talent. This is the first one you get after the string of clear-talent-becomes-bronze-talent events at preceding levels.

    My first adventurer had the "new talent" animation below his graphic and the clear talent appeared there as it should. Great. The next two, though, had a bronze talent appear there. Huh? Oh, I see: my other adventurers had been using a bronze talent to equip a weaker clear-talent item, meaning a bit of an "overpayment" on talents. The system helpfully took the new level 19 clear talent and put it on the "overpaid" item, thus freeing up the bronze talent to go into the stockpile below his character graphic.

    That's what happened. Now how could that be intuitive to a player?

    I guess one would have to create a two-step animation: have the clear talent appear below the character graphic and then animate it replacing the "overpayment" in inventory.
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