Talented Healer failing v. Dodge

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by ArcadianRook, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. ArcadianRook

    ArcadianRook Goblin Champion

    When using a vampiric attack against opp. w/ dodge, TH's cantrip effect was cancelled.
    I saw that this is a known bug from November, but wasn't sure if you guys thought it was resolved or not.
  2. ArcadianRook

    ArcadianRook Goblin Champion

    Clarification, Cantrip was cancelled when opp.'s Dodge triggered successfully and opp. moved that toon out of range of the attack.
    When dodge was used to test this, by keeping the toon in range of the attack, cantrip (and the attack) acted as normal.

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