Surging Shield Block vs Hard to Pin Down

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by theSovereign, May 9, 2013.

  1. theSovereign

    theSovereign Mushroom Warrior


    just a sidenote. I noticed that these two Block cards have the same card quality (silver) but Surging is rare, while HtPD is uncommon.

    All that while HtPD is objectively better (in every single aspect) than Surging Shield Block...

    To compare:

    Surging Shield Block (Rare/Silver)
    Block on 4+ OR move 2

    Hard to Pin Down (Uncommon/Silver)
    Block on 3+ AND move 3, or move 3

    1. HtPD gains a 3+ Block roll instead of 4+
    2. HtPD gives you the move even when the Block is triggered

    What do you guys think about this? Is it intended/fine? Or not?
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Remember that these cards are likely on different item sets - surging block likely only shields, and hard to pin down is usually found on boots I believe. So comparing them side to side isn't as obvious as it seems, I'd say - as they're not likely to end up on the same item. Having a shield with move cards can thus be rarer than boots with the same (no matter the superiority of the card).

    This is pure speculation, but thinking about it makes sense to me!
  3. theSovereign

    theSovereign Mushroom Warrior

    Hard to Pin Down is also present on shields.

    I also know both shields who have 3x the respective card on them. The Hard to Pin Down Shield is rare (Slippery Shield) while the Surging Shield x3 shield is legendary... doesn't rly make much sense to me i have to say..
    Zoorland likes this.
  4. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    If that's the case - it doesn't make as much sense no (unless Hard to Pin down is rarer for shields than it's card rarity).
  5. theSovereign

    theSovereign Mushroom Warrior

  6. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Looking at the items on the Wiki - Hard to Pin down seems to be rarer on shields than Surging Blocks. HTP also seem limited to shields+boots, while SB appears on shields+weapon/staves. I guess slots can be a factor in this, making it harder to compare like I previously suggested. Yes, straight across HTP is the better card though.
  7. Zoorland

    Zoorland Goblin Champion

    That Slippery Shield was my prized possession before the beta reset. I loved it so very much.

    I'd have to agree, Hard to Pin Down is leagues better than Surging Block in every respect. But if we were to begin listing all the cards of various "power levels" that were far superior / inferior to other cards of the same "power level" we'd be here all week. The problem is that the game sorts all cards into about seven ranges (black, paper, bronze, silver, gold, green... purple?) where as the sheer volume of cards would require several dozen discreet power levels to properly rank them all. Even with the Common, Uncommon, Rare distinction there just isn't enough range within the limited categories to give the correct weight to each item. Especially since Paper, Bronze, Silver, and Gold contain the vast majority of the cards in the game and Black, Green, and Purple are barely populated at all.

    Expanding the current card ranking system to handle the distinctions better would just over-complicate the whole system.

    Hard to Pin Down could certainly stand to be a Gold card, though. Actually, strike that. Looking at them again, I can't really see why Surging Shield Block is Silver to begin with; comparing it to other block cards it could probably drop to Bronze.
  8. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    Hard to pin down also doesnt block/dodge every ability. if you move you can still be in range of the attack and still get hit by the ability.
    Pengw1n likes this.
  9. Dugrim

    Dugrim Orc Soldier

    I have to disagree SurgeonFish; the card text says: "Block any. If this card blocks, You Move 3."
    So first block, then move if blocked succesfully.
  10. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    what the text says and does is different, if you "block" an aoe and still move into range of it, you still get hit by it
    Jayce likes this.
  11. Dugrim

    Dugrim Orc Soldier

    Really? Because if you block an aoe with another block card you are not hit.
    Did you try?
    Maybe you have to stand still and not move?
    Jayce likes this.
  12. theSovereign

    theSovereign Mushroom Warrior

    Thats not true. Hard to Pin Down works different than dodge. The attack is blocked, even if you don't move out of range.

    [With Dodge the attack is only prevented if you move out of range.]
  13. theSovereign

    theSovereign Mushroom Warrior

    I second that notion. (And Hit the Deck should be dropped to paper... It is a horrible, horrible card that often gets you killed..)
    Zoorland likes this.
  14. Jayce

    Jayce Hydra

    I think this is correct, you block the AOE effect for the square your character is standing in; if you block successfully and move into another square within range, you'll still take the damage.
  15. LightPhoenix

    LightPhoenix Orc Soldier

    It's hard to say if this is intended behavior or not. The test I'd run is to see if having a second block in your hand would trigger after moving via Hard To Pin Down. Do we know if the AoE code iterates over each square and runs targets as it finds them, or gathers the targets first and then iterates over them?

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