Suggestions - Custom Scenarios / Map Maker / Game Master

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Ni|, May 13, 2016.

  1. Ni|

    Ni| Kobold

    (5/13/16 - #1-47) - (5/17/16 - #48-52)


    I have only just started playing Card Hunter, and found myself delving up to my eyes in the Custom Scenario / Map Maker. Having done that, this is a list of my feedback specifically to the multiplayer / custom scenario and Map Maker facet of the Card Hunter game.

    I have a separate thread for [Suggestions] - Game Play / Content


    01-01 Create a solidly integrated resource importing function for both audio and visuals.
    ---02-1.2 This could be as simple as a “file browse” option. Allowing for the selection of resources from anywhere on the Hard Drive. (I for the life of me could not find where it was loading the “wooden_table.jpg” file from.)
    ---03-1.3 Provide either templates or information for required file specifications. (Size, dimensions, type etc..)
    04-02 Add roll-over informational text for all grafix-files.
    ---05-2.2 E.G. – Bolder – Blocked
    - Focus – Invisible – Sets Camera Center Point at Start
    - Board Trim - Left Corner -
    (I still don’t know what the 7th one is for, the one with the arrow on it.)
    ------2.2.2 This would have been especially helpful when learning that the upper doodads were for the location of dead unit placements.

    Editor Interface

    06-01 Add mouse wheel functionality to cycle through dropdown lists. (Or, is it just my mouse not working?)
    07-02 Add visual “x” close window button, in addition to the “z” hotkey.
    ---08-2.2 Perhaps just clicking outside the window can close the window.
    09-03 A confirmation dialog box for save/load would be a good idea. Someone *cough* may accidently save a blank map over an old one, thinking they were loading it, and being a little too quick on the click.
    10-04 Make the “Table Layer”, “Layers” and “File” windows drag moveable and minimizable.
    11-05 Make inventory window able to be resized.
    12-06 Allow for an option to make the inventory window a permanent sidebar.
    (Which will work well if it is moveable and resizable.)
    ---13-6.2 Further allow all the user to set any inventory window as a permanent sidebar.
    (I would use this to have Terrain Decal and Tile windows open simultaneously.)
    14-07 Rewrite Group “…” rollover from “Any” to “Random”. Same thing, just more clear.
    (Does any mean any unit from any other group can be placed there? Or, does it mean that units not assigned a group get placed there? This is why I would like the rollover help clarified.)
    15-08 Rename Size 1 and Size 2 to 1x1 and 2x2.
    (“Why?” Because if named by square footprint, if new units are added, e.g 1x2 or 2x3, that naming standard will work better.)
    16-09 Rename spawn labels from None, Player 0, Player 1 to Delete, You, Opponent
    (“Why?” Then it would be using the same labels as shown when you setup a custom scenario.)
    ---17-09.2 If renamed here, don’t forget to rename them in the terrain Type buttons
    17-10 Currently terrain Layer boxes change to the appropriate color when selected. (Complements!) Somehow have that color always present, either though outline, or perhaps the letter, or anything. However, something that could still be amplified when actually selected.
    18-11 Allow user to set the terrain type colors.
    19-12 Allow terrain types layer to be set to visible or hidden individually with a check box the same way primary layers are.
    20-13 Allow for Doodads to be filtered by “tags”. (I guess that’s what it would be called.) This is what I mean – Currently they are divided by primary environments, e.g. Dungeon, Portals, Arena etc… Being able to also show all “Plants” for example, would be very helpful. This would show all “plant” doodads from all categories. Or “bones”, or “doors” or “Blocked” or “Impassible” etc…
    21-14 Option to “show grid”
    ---22-14.2 Options to set grid color, transparency and type. i.e. Set dashed, dots or solid lines.

    Editor Mechanics

    23-01 Add draw options.
    ---24-01.2 Line option. Click two points, and a line of the selected grafix will be drawn.
    ---25-01.3 Hollow Set. Create a frame rectangle / square with the selected grafix.
    ---26-01.4 Solid Set. To be able to create a solid rectangle / square with the selected grafix.
    27-02 Allow for a way to disable the tile randomization and directly access tile variants, in order to override random selection. (right-clicking?) So, for example, It would be easily possible to create a crowd of people who all have the green hood on.
    28-03 Add some way to view all Tokens, their stats and cards, by class, category, environment etc…
    29-04 Allow for shift+click multiple selection, allowing for the moving of custom groups of items.
    ---30-04.2 What layers are being targeted could be controlled via already available visibility controls: If there not visible, they’re not selected.
    31-05 Allow for the copy / paste of selections.

    Custom Game / Editor Miscellaneous

    32-01 Allow for more players
    33-02 Allow for more groups.
    ---34-02.2 Add more removed token placement locations.
    35-03 Please alphabetize all lists in the dropdown menus.
    ---36-03.2 Even better, allow for user drag and drop custom organization.
    37-04 Add a “play” button to easily sample audio and music for custom game setup.
    38-05 Allow for the placement of tokens on the table as decoration.
    51-06 Show level of monsters in custom map setup
    52-07 Include a “Party Level Calculator” in the custom map setup

    It would show a real-time estimate of the required level to play the scenario based off of creatures selected.

    Custom Game / Game Master

    39-01 Allow a Game Master “real time” placement of new tokens on playing board during play.
    40-02 I personally wish there was a true LoS option. Meaning, that my pieces could not see units through blocked tiles. There is something fun in the mystery of, “What's around that corner?”
    ---41-02.2 Range of site, max squares a character can see, would be fun also.
    ---42-02.3 This would very nearly require the ability to move pieces one square at a time, pressing “done” if finished early.
    43-03 Allow connected scenarios. So, like the single player campaign, more than one scenario can be strung together in a pack.
    ---44-03.2 Allow an option for “No” or “Limited Healing” between boards.
    45-04 Allow the creation of, and giving out of custom loot / items. These items would only be temporary, and would be removed upon exiting the custom campaign.
    46-05 Allow for the creation of custom tokens / creatures.
    47-06 Allow secret / hidden revealable board areas.


    48-01 Include PvP where players can control set squads of monsters.
    ---01.2 Object is the elimination of the opponent.
    ---49-01.3 Include both PvM and MvM
    ---01.4 Since there could be prefab monster squads for every party level, this would allow for playing MP Parties that are not standardized to level 18.
    50-01.5 MvM could allow players to pick their monsters according to a set level cap.


    01 Simple check boxes to show/hide all layers.
    02 All fundamental options in one place with hot keys! (Place, Place multiple, grid snap etc…)
    03 Flip both X and Y axis! (Most editors Ive used only flip one way)
    04 Terrain Layer boxes change to the appropriate color when selected.
    05 Terrain Layer overlay opacity controls!
    06 Putting the Eraser (Deletes Tiles) in all tile library’s.
    07 Tile variants are automatically randomized for visual aesthetics.

    All in all, very well made and fun to play game!


    P.S. For the record, I would pay $20 for a "Master Game Master Pack" that unlocked all of the advanced Game Master features.
    Last edited: May 17, 2016
  2. Ni|

    Ni| Kobold

    Added Suggestions #48-52.
    Last edited: May 17, 2016
  3. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    This thread might be more appropriate over on the Custom Scenario board.

    Tiles say what their default terrain type is, but decals often don't affect terrain. And you can override everything from the terrain layer, though that's usually a bad idea. A style guide would useful. (And I should finish one of my "off-center" maps to show some of the crazy tricks you can do.)

    "Any" means it can be used by any group. Chars spawn in order by group (player 0 group 0 chars, player 0 group 1 chars, etc), until it runs out of groups. If there are more spawn points than chars to fill them, some will remain empty (most official maps actually have 4 spawn points for the player). If there aren't enough spawn points, the extra chars don't spawn (you can use this to create single minions).

    Non-square figures would create huge problems (how do they change facing?) and are unlikely to ever be implemented. And we still have bugs with simple 2x2 figures (damaging themselves with Charge, measuring distances for Arcing/Jumpspark, inconsistent move previews).

    Yes, there are serious inconsistencies in how Player 0/1/2 match to White/Black/Red/Blue/Top/Bottom. Note that if you play a custom scenario against a human, the host is now player 1 and the invited player is player 0.

    ?? Right now you have a check box to make the terrain layer (in)visible, and when active you can set its opacity.

    Just keep clicking that spot until you get the one you want.

    You mean a list of monsters?

    Monsters don't have levels (some of them show up in the campaign 6-10 levels after they were introduced). Non-monsters are always level 18.

    As I just mentioned in a different thread, it's already been done (three times) in MM.

    Also already possible in casual games, but you won't get any loot from it. Note also that the Monster Hunt league was created by a player.

    A lot of your suggestions would take a lot of work to implement, and would change the focus of the game. The scenario editor is a great feature, but the game's focus is on collecting items through the official campaign and PvP.
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  4. Ni|

    Ni| Kobold


    Thanks for the involved reply! Line by line? That was above and beyond. :D

    Ill just mosey on my way then, as further back and forth would only be surdo oppedere.

  5. Fanturluche

    Fanturluche Thaumaturge

    I would like an option to keep the current terrain type when replacing tiles.
    I often sketch the terrain before I actually choose which palette I will use for the board. I sometimes erase my map layout, or I forget to change back the terrain type after I change tile set.
    adajon and Flaxative like this.
  6. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    What if we encourage creators to post two screenshots of every board (visual and terrain) when they upload their maps? That should help them catch most of these problems right away.

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