Suggestions, and overall experience.

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Ultreos, Jun 10, 2013.

  1. Ultreos

    Ultreos Mushroom Warrior

    Let me prelude this with saying I bought 50 dollars worth of pizza last night because I expect some good things from this game.

    First let's talk about a few suggestions I've seen involving pricing of items...

    Here is one extreme example "this game will be about having people throwing thousands of dollars at the game to win!" When referring to the 9 dollar cardhunter club fee when you purchase it one month at a time. And then to go further that they feel they should have to pay half the yearly fee for a permanent use of the card hunter club.

    Firstly for what the club does, as I currently have it on my account it is in no way needed to "win" it is nice to have yes, but it is not needed to gain good cards within the game. Second a 9 dollar monthly price tag for a nice little boost is hardly demanding people throw thousands of dollars into the game. If anything the chests that can be opened for a price point would suggest this, not the club.

    On the opposite end of the spectrum we talk about the starter packs being too cheap. I whole heartedly disagree because while the game shows clearly that you can be successful without spending the game still wants to turn a profit by offering things people want. These starter packs are cheap enough to entice a player to spend without being expensive enough to feel like they need to pay to win.

    So I would keep starter packs relatively cheap to straight out avoid people feeling like they need to pay gouged prices which would convey a need to pay to win. We should be encouraging a want to pay for something not a need to pay to win.

    Now for some suggestions.

    I think it would be pretty fun if set bonuses could be added that add an effect to a character for as long as they have the set pieces. Such as all healing spells heal plus 1 damage dealt is plus 1 movement cards add plus 1, or ongoing damage is plus 1 just as some examples for wearing the gear. Which would include a certain number of set pieces needed to be worn.

    It would be nice as well if timers on quest lines would reset say every 4 hours or so as opposed to once a day. This could give opportunities to get needed gear in previous missions in a shorter period of time if there is a gear constraint for your current mission.

    Finally when it comes to creatures that have armor, magic, and run away the moment you get close enough to hit them, can that be toned down a bit. Yes I beat the mission but spending like 10 minutes chasing them down hoping they wouldn't run felt more like a chore then an accomplishment.

    Overall I am having a lot of fun with the game so far, and I think there is a lot of good potential here.

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