Similarity Scores definition With the increasing standardization of MP decks, it'd be nice to be able to go to the wiki and find items that are the most similar to a proposed "target" item. It'd almost be like's recommendations: "Customers who liked this book also liked...." Here's how it could be applied to CH items: Each item would start with a Similarity Score of 1000. For each card within that item points would be substracted depending upon how different the cards are. Let's say one of the cards from an item is Freeze. Frost Jolt is fairly similar, so it might rate -10. Chilling Rime is less similar, so it might be -30. Spark, which does not have the encumber effect and does less damage might be -50. Fire Wall might be -70. Something very different, like a drawback might be -100. And so on. The numbers used could be arbitrary, or whatever seems reasonable, or you could do a poll and crowdsource the numbers for each card. On each wiki item page there would be displayed a group of "Most Similar" items -- the items with the highest Similarity Scores. I don't know how much programming that would entail, but I think it'd add a strong new resource to the wiki. I'm visualizing lots of people saying "Dang, I don't have the Staff Of Whooping, but the wiki suggested this or this or *that* as alternatives. And I have *that*!"
The difficult part is of course determining how similarity score is calculated. It's not always easy to say how "similar" cards are. Like if one card deals 8 damage and other 5, how similar those cards are? A more simple commonly used solution would be to just tag items with things like "encumber", "penetrating" or maybe "10+ damage". They you could use those tags to create a "Similar Items" list.