I have a 24" 1080p monitor and have difficulty reading the font at the bottom of cards. My vision is fine. Andale mono is difficult to discern, especially when italicized and bold. I pity the people on 1366x768 laptops, which are actually quite common. Just try reading this sentence. If you insist on using italicized font at the bottom of the cards at least use a sans-serif font that isn't trying to look like cursive. - Thanks.
When you speak of "the text at the bottom of cards," and mention italics, you specifically mean flavor text, right? So can you read the important rules text just fine?
Yes I can read the rules fine and I *can* read the additional text (the quips and lore). So it's all at worst completely functional. My issue is that reading the latter is not a pleasurable experience for me due to the font choices. I find the lettering to be squat and poorly defined. I'm nitpicking a bit, no doubt about it. But it's because I like the game! I suppose I'm one of those 'my opinion counts' people.
It does count, and there have been other people with the same concern. Currently it seems difficult for the devs to make game content "scalable," i.e., to just increase font size as needed. However, your specific point about the TYPE of font might be a good one for them to hear.