We can trade Pizza to get Gold. I think we should be able to trade the other way too. It would allow players to get some of the better stuff without having to just throw money at the game and help fight the whole "Pay to Win" scenario that's currently happening. So of how EVE Online has been doing for ages with their PLEX system. You CAN just go to their site and pay real money for PLEX, which you can use for your monthly subscription and all. OR you can choose to pay in game money (was usually around 3 billion when I last played) to buy the PLEX in game. Meaning if you spent enough time playing the game you could basically play for free. I think that would be a great way to improve this game.
All gear in the game can be gotten without pizza. Even the rewards from the locked scenarios can be gotten as normal loot. The only thing you can't get with gold is the custom figurines. If you could trade pizza back and forth it would be pointless anyway, you could just make gold purchasable directly with rl money and make everything purchasable for gold, removing pizza from the game.
I don't mind the idea terribly but i don't think it does as much good as you might think and worst case scenario it cuts in heavily on their moneymaking and makes second hand marketing a thing.