[suggestion]SP players

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Kotor, Nov 17, 2013.

  1. Kotor

    Kotor Mushroom Warrior


    not everyone is an MPplayer (like i am not) but if you want to keep your campainplayers I would suggest you add some better loot to the campain. I farmed 3-6-9-12-15up the last 2 weeks and its all rubish. I opened 2 yellow boxes in MP and both had legendary item. The balance thats what I am looking for.


    i dont mind when you add player made maps/dungeons and I like the challenges but a dungeon only based on luck....mehhhhhh.

    I don't need replys like...huh this game is made for OL only, cause if it was there was no campain.


    for MP pls remove all cards exept Nimbusshield and all icecards cause thats almost all the cards you see in MP.
  2. Kotor

    Kotor Mushroom Warrior

    Today again farmed all as above and absolutly only rubish...i dont understand why I pay for the extra loot option cause it aint givin anything. Wouldn't it be nice to reward the paying customers (like minimum a rare in the club reward)?
  3. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    As the loot drops are random it's all down to luck. Often I get nothing interesting, on the other hand, yesterday I got two legendaries from just completing the level 6-8 adventures once. It's an uneven experience. The extra club items can seem as useless as the normal drops but in the long run they do give a greater chance of getting good items. I've played the game every day for over two months and I have received some very good drops both from the regular and the club items.

    The effect of the club rewards is the larger the more you play. If you grind some battles for items and money being in the club makes it much faster as a normal battle only drops two items and the added third one is really noticeable there. After a grinding session you'll end up with 50% more items and money which really adds up over the weeks. If you only play sometimes, it's not so significant.

    I agree it would be nice to get a guaranteed rare as a club reward but I think the game would soon run out of new stuff that way. Soon every player would have all the items in the game and that would make it less interesting to play the game any more. Chasing the rare loot is an essential part of any action RPG and having the game drop enough but not too much good items to keep things interesting is an essential part of the design. The games which are too generous don't live long. Maybe mother was right and one shouldn't eat too much candy or one'll just feel ill, to use an analogy :).

    I hope you too will get some great items soon as you play more!

    P.S. The MP yellow chests don't always have legendaries in them, you just got lucky there. The two first yellow chests only guarantee one rare item. This is similar to the SP adventure first completion yellow chest reward. There already is some balance there even though it might not seem so after only a few days. It will even out over time.
  4. Galdred

    Galdred Mushroom Warrior

    Club rewards is already between +50% and almost +95% loot value (as the rarer items are more worthwile). I'm not sure the game really needs to make it worse.
    I got most of my legendaries playing single player quests by the way (the extra challenges you get after beating the game). They are much more interesting than redoing the same missions over and again, and drop better loot on average (and they reward club membership even more, because you really need it to make up for the coins used for revival!).
  5. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    What do you mean by this? I don't think anyone suggested changing the game to drop worse loot.
  6. Galdred

    Galdred Mushroom Warrior

    I meant worse as in worse by making the loot depend more on being club member or not.
  7. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Ah, ok, thanks for the clarification!
  8. All my best items, most of them lvl 18 legendaries, I have looted in SP. Hands down the best way to get new items is to finish all four lvl 17 quests daily. Loot in MP is quite weak compared to that. For example I have never gotten anything really useful from that last purple chest in MP, and I've opened that many many times. It's always a disappointing end to a 7-hour grinding session. Sure, some people get lucky with the purple chest but in my experience lvl 17 SP quests are much more consistent.
    spacedust likes this.
  9. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    I'm currently a 100% single player. Don't feel like the game is skewed towards mp - even if it's been focused on them since launch (but they had very little attention until late beta). We're getting new sp content shortly.
    hatchhermit likes this.
  10. spacedust

    spacedust Goblin Champion

    This is absolutely correct. SP rewards your time much better item wise compared to MP. If you form up 3 or 4 farming setups and save them, you can farm the entire campaign around 4 hours or so.
  11. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I feel much better about only playing SP now. :)
  12. Kotor

    Kotor Mushroom Warrior

    I have premade setup's and i farm 3-6-9-12-15 and up every day. Cost me about 4-6 hours but since last patch the loot realy went down for me all I get is rubish about 2-3 rare each day. What I ment so say about the MP boxes is that you only have to do 3 fights to get 2 yellow boxes. I (atm) get none each day because I dont have the gear to do the more challanging challanges (i did all none death and almost all lower lvl draw+1 HP challanges). I just want to progress. ;)
  13. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Could it be that the reason your average loot rarity went down is because you ran out of quests you can complete? No more quests in your daily program leads to lower rarity loot because the quests guarantee a rare but the normal adventures on repeat plays guarantee only uncommon loot. If this is not it, you've probably just had some random bad luck. A couple of days is not enough to know for sure if average loot rarity has been lowered. I doubt it has, that would be a Big Thing and I'm pretty sure Blue Manchu would announce publicly something like that.

    By the way, the belief that the levels divisible by three drop more rare loot is a myth based on a misunderstanding of how the loot system works. You can find a lot of info about actual observed loot drops from this thread. You'd probably gain more by selecting levels you can complete the fastest or are the most fun for you rather than your current level mix.
  14. Kotor

    Kotor Mushroom Warrior

    I game for over 30 years I know how loot works....but I also see when some odd stuff happens. And like I said I dont have the gear to do the more challanging challanges but it also doesnt drop so how to progress? :(
  15. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Sounds like you're already using the best strategy to get good loot: completing SP adventures daily. This is the method recommended by most players on this forum, like Scared Little Girl above. Unfortunately, the loot is what it is. If you keep at it, you'll see also the good stuff.

    The big problem with true randomness is that it takes a lot of data see what is just coincidence or a streak of bad or good luck and what is an actual trend. It's pretty much impossible to say anything for sure based on the experience of one player for a shortish period. To contrast your recent bad luck, here's Hatchhermit recently getting three Legendaries in a row. Does this now mean that the loot quality has gone up since the last batch? No, it doesn't. It's just some random thing that happened to one player. For everyone with bad experiences, there's someone with good experiences and vice versa.

    I understand your frustration with your bad loot very well, it's never nice when that happens. In talking about this issue I'm not trying to deny or belittle your experiences, I'm sure they happened exactly as you say and I'm sorry about your bad luck. I hope it turns soon for the better!
    hatchhermit likes this.
  16. Kotor

    Kotor Mushroom Warrior

    Well my point is...I had good loot before the last patch ever since the loot quality "seems" lower to me. Am not they only one saying this. Or did my badluck was included in the patch^^? :p
  17. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    Hey, Jarmo, I was just about to post my experience for Kotor! :)

    Kotor, I've gone through stretches like you've gone through. It'll get better. All I play is SP and in general all I do is the quests for XP, not the challenges. I recently started them back up again now that I have a membership. I'd go through a couple days where all I'd get is uncommons. Then I'd get chests with double rares, or get a rare and an epic. And that was without a membership.

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