One of the comments the devs have made many times is that something like 80% of the players only play single player. Converting SP to MP players ins't required, but it gets people coming back more and connecting to the community and playing more to get the loot to play better in MP. For me, as a semi-casual player, the leagues are the most fun, and the most interesting, but they're not really represented in the single player campaign. Sure, Gary tells you about them a little, but that's nothing like playing them for real. Once I found out that Gary can play Quick Draw, I had a thought. Maybe we could have some modules, like the Cardstock II preview one, where single player can play the different league types against Gary. I don't know if it'd be best to have a module for each league type, so people could pick the one they want, or have a set of 3, like one game of QD, one Monster Hunt, and one Wicked Waterways. It would also be possible to practice the various league matches that way, but it wouldn't be that great for testing, since it's Gary. What it would do is let the single player crowd try some of the more interesting leagues without leaving the campaign map, and if there's new kinds of leagues later, it wouldn't be that hard (I think?) to add a new module or two since they'd just be using the league maps.
One thing that would be very easy to do would be to allow casual MP games against the AI. That would allow you to practice every league and every ranked MP board. For constructed games we could even allow the player to choose which AI they want to practice against: Gary, Melvin, Amy, Mom, or Cardotron.
Yeah, you can do that now, but you have to set up a custom scenario, know which characters are assigned to each AI, and do it that way. Part of the idea for this is they'd be right on the campaign map, so people paying single player would see the leagues and get to try them (and, I guess, get loot too)