I'd like to see some sort of multi-class options, but I don't want to complicate things too much. I don't want a dozen new classes, or new token types, or new item types, or change the deck size. What if we had special dungeons, one for each class, maybe call them them Guilds? Maybe have a special restriction that you can only have one char in your party when entering a guild. And when a char completes the Wizard Guild, their second weapon slot is changed to Staff (or Weapon for Warrior Guild or Divine Weapon for Priest Guild). (Originally I was going to change the class skill, since that was most obvious and least abusable, but it's also the least useful.) To go back to a pure class, just send that char through the guild of their original class. Guilds would unlock around level 10. Multi-class chars would keep their original figures (and only those figures), but when you hover the mouse over them, it will say "{race} {original class}/{guild class}". Also maybe have an icon for the guild class on the figure base (next to the health) to warn MP opponents. Comments? Balance issues?
I was thinking about it on this before, but feel not really needed. For most part, currently a class can perform multiple roles. Granted they don't cover all ground, it work out well. I could see more added equipment that have cross class cards in the future (say a Dragon Sword with fire cone attack cards), but want to see that when more original cards are added. And personally, I am more in camp of adding new classes (still few arch-type role that could be filled, such as a stealthy type, a gambler type (dice base damages) a summoner type, etc)
The problem with new classes is that they will need to add at least one new item type (class skill, and likely weapon and body armor too), and I feel we may have too many item types already. I have not gotten a single elf skill in a chest since release; not one. Still, the devs have talked about a rogue class being added (maybe) in the future, and there a whole bunch of cards they could use that aren't currently available to players.
Eh, if they released it now I'd just grab a bunch of commons from shops (50-100g to fill the slots with something) and go with that. Novelty factor > raw power for me at least - I'd have a lot of fun gearing up as I go.
The amount of gear I've gathered, over the course of the campaign, 80-odd quests, and tons and tons of MP would make it difficult to throw a new char into the mix using Store only items. I imagine you could gear one up in a few days of hardcore playing, but it would be a rough climb. And the new class should theoretically be equal to the other 3 classes in strength/power, so there's no reason to use one over the current ones from a balance perspective (other than novelty) if it's almost a month behind in gear.
In this game meta, the 'class' works via slot types and lifepoints. Allow a Warrior to swap a weapon for a staff, and then your warrior-mage will start to draw less usefull cards per turn. You see statistically what is better? To hace 6 Chops or 3 Chop, 1 Lightning Arc and 2 Lesser Spark? Even worse, at the end you will hace not a warrior, only a wizzard with a shield and warrior lifepoints. ... save me this crap of D&D 3.5, please. You want new player character options not limited to warrior, mage and cleric. Thats ok and I submit this. Perhaps a Druid could be a Cleric with swapped slots, i.e.: one Divine Weapon, 1 Weapon, 1 Divine Item Less but with a Helmet. Os something like this.
Yeah, I'm in the new classes wagon myself. I think classes might be released as "expansions" down the road, probably not going to have to buy them, but I wouldn't be against the idea, though then they would be breaking their free to play model that is supposed not to force you to pay, which they are doing pretty well at right now.