[Suggestion] Several Suggestions

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Squidy, Apr 12, 2014.

  1. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    1-Sometimes you get defeated and don't get why. Would be nice if the screen won't turn black once the game is over, letting us to check the battle logs.

    2-I don't know if the servers can handle this but it can be nice if at the end of a battle (MP or SP) we have the option to save the played battle. We would have X slots to save those battle replays and each replay would have an url assigned to it that could be shared with other players.

    3-During the campain, one of the hero (Gary or Melvin or Karen can't remember) says that an easy game was a boring game. Couldn't agree more. Please make the game HARDER.

    4-Make it so that we can stack the inventory filters so that we can for example sort all tokenless weapons by rarity. Better way to do this would be to have lists instead of buttons. Here what I would like:
    • If we don't take into account the treasures, sorting by cost and rarity are pretty much the same things. One of those buttons can be removed or replaced. I would remove sort by cost and have a list for rarity with the following options: all items sorted by rarity, display Legendary items only, Epics, Rares, Uncommons or Commons.
    • Sort by names or level can be left as is and can replace sort by cost as the default setting.
    • Sort by power would have a list on the same idea as rarity: all items sorted by rarity, (majortoken)(majortoken) items, (minortoken)(majortoken) items, (minortoken)(minortoken) items, (minortoken) items or tokenless items.
    This way we would find faster what item we want for a particular equipment slot with our remaining tokens or simply browse the collection with more filters.

    5-You can probably get a bit more of income if you add Shops (all shops including Randimar) reset or adventures reset (remove the exhausted tag of all adventures just like if it is midnight GMT).

    6-I have allready said it but get a place with the important news and running events on your main page. I can't remember the percentage of players reading the forums of a game but it's pretty low. The casual player won't browse through all your tweeter feeds and load more feeds till he can see that there is an event running. You can keep your tweeter thing for small things like server down in 15 minutes or else but you should really have important news and running events between the banner and the registration part. This would make your website look less like a dead game. Plus some people can't stand those social networks that track you down with no mercy.
    That's from personal experience. When I started, I hesitated to register caus the game seemed dead (glad I was really bored this evening caus the game is great) and I had no idea that there was a December event still running. Potential free advertising from social networks of your current policy doesn't seem to me worth the risk of losing some casual players.

    7-Do something about selling the excessive equipments. Sometimes I don't play caus the only idea of having to sell later all useless drops makes me lazy. I remember someone suggesting that after a battle we could sell all and continue instead of take all and continue. I find that the idea can be nice since I own at least 3 copies of all uncommons and commons (the ones you drop the most). Best would be a sell content of the chest and continue button allowing us to drag and drop the items we want (like this epic we just luckily dropped) and sell the rest.
    Best would be an automated sell "all copies of the items you can't use caus you will never have enough equipment slots for those". I can go with a new button hiding X copies of all items. This would be a list too with hide 3, 6, 9 or 12 (or more numbers I don't mind, those are the minimum needed). We would then for example sort to show boots only, then the filter hide 3 and we can fastly sell all showing equipments.
    I spend more then a full hour every week selling the crap and that's boring as hell. And you don't want your players to get bored.

    8- Make a "new" tag on items we drop that we didn't allready own.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2014
  2. neoncat

    neoncat Feline Outline

    The upcoming release contains significantly harder adventures. Also, have you completed all the campaign quests?
  3. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    I have only 3 treasure hunts unlocked but the rest is done yup. I even had the idea to stack the handicaps (egs: lvl decreased + no death or 1hp + only drawbacks) or try with this new handicap consisting by using only one character but the absence of rewards of those self challenges and the unofficial state made me lazy to try. Plus I know me and I would cheat caus I can lol.
    Only the 1hp quests were troublesome and it was more based on luck then personnal skills.

    But oki, I'll wait for the artifacts to come :p
  4. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    One I forgot:
    9- Make the World Chat of MP also avalaible in SP.
    Flaxative likes this.

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