Hey, new Steam player here. Pretty much played through the SP game, Just getting in to PvP now. Thought I'd write down some of the thoughts I had on this (great) game the last week or so. I get some of the suggestions below would come to me if I had also played the flash version for 2 years, instead of the Steam version for 2 weeks, but some of them are quality of life for new players. If some of these already exist, then please take it as an ask for help, and thanks for telling me how. BUT, please take these as they are intended. I am really enjoying the game! 1) There is a space to put things when creating your deck in PvP, but not SP. It'd be really useful to have it in SP too. Maybe I don't describe it well, but guess this illustrates what I mean...why is this only in PvP? 2) When you get given a party, for example going to EttSC, if you load a different party set, then the items of the party you just received all get loaded in to inventory. 3) The whole 2 different parties, 1 for PvP and 1 for SP and saving them in different sections...it would be helpful if there was a way to copy them across to each other. Right now, I have to write down items of my SP party, then go to MP, and find the items from my list. This I don't (yet) get or understand why it's made this way. 4) Line of Sight (LoS)...ugh, more tools needed. It would be nice to be shown LoS when, for example, I was in mid-move, or be able to click a square and see all squares with LoS to that square. I know LoS is probably intuitive if you've been playing for 2 years on flash, but it could be a nod to helping new Steam players, or a general quality of life thing. 5) Filters on inventory. It would be nice to be able to have multiple filters in your inventory. For example, if I want to filter to find legendary items that take a major and a minor power token, I'm out of luck. If I want to find items that cast cone of cold, fit in a certain slot, and take a power token, no chance. Being able to select multiple filters (and add more, pls.) would really help. 6) It would be nice if steam wallet worked. I get you make more % if people buy through your website, and not steam as you probably don't have to give Gabe a cut. I understand from latest patch notes that others also have the problem of Steam wallet not working. Call me cynical, but are you intentionally forcing people to buy from your site to cut out Steam's %? If it's not going to work, can you remove the button, it's frustrating to click it, and click it...maybe if I click it and wait, or maybe...hang on, did I wait long enough last time, maybe if I wait longer this time after clicking it? You get my point, I guess. 7) Console interaction. So, things like guilds, downloading item lists, etc...as much as I can gather, these things can only be done via the console, I guess you appreciate it's pretty difficult for a new player to know if guilds are a thing, or why there are game interactions that would seem really normal, but you have to do research on the interweb for console commands first. FPS games with consoles, sure I get, but if it's part of this game, can't you make them normal commands, or give us an in game, non console way to understand some of the console commands other than our own websearch? Maybe I'm totally confusing things, and mixing up console and guild formation. But, that illustrates a new players dilemma. 8) Reddit. Oh...err...there a few threads there on how dead the sub-reddit is for this game. You guys should address that. Whenever I check (I'm a compulsive redditor), there are always a few people on the sub at a time, but I guess they get turned off since it seems totally dead. Makes me wonder...is the game dead too, or what is the best way to interact with community, where are they all, on Steam? ...hard to tell if it's throwing money at a dead, beaten horse. Maybe I've got my head to far up my Reddit in my gaming community habits. I could come up with more, but, tbh, I'm working on a build, so getting back to it! Thanks for reading, Cujo.
Good suggestion. I agree that it might be useful to store to MP but because you often have a different number of power tokens in MP than in SP, I think it won't be very useful. I agree it would be helpful but generally the skilled players will click the space they are thinking of moving to to see the LoS it will have from there. Already been suggested multiple times, still is a good suggestion. Guilds aren't on the console but rather on another website known as META. You can type in help to get all the commands but most of them are quite niche. Reddit is not where the action is at, it is here on forums.cardhunter.com
Not sure if I understand your suggestion the same way timeracers is. My own answers are as below: Hold down the Ctrl key and right click a square to see lines of sight from it. Type 'cone of cold' in the text field, in the item type dropdown box change to say, arcane item, and toggle the rightmost filter with the symbol 'O' for token filter. Iirc, the console was never meant for player access. Unfortunately, since its a flash game and players wanted certain functionality which only the console could provide, it was left as is. There have been prior suggestions for console commands to be made available in-game but as the dev team is really small, this isn't going to be high on the priority list for a while. What specific commands are you frequently accessing from the console ? Perhaps its high time to address this much asked issue.
We thought we fixed the Steam wallet issues with a recent build. It sounds like we didn't. Please email support@cardhunter.com with whatever system details you have handy and we'll try to look into your case.
This is because the party you just loaded does not have any items assigned to your new chars. This is a typical "save what you're doing before starting something else" situation. Here's the EttSC premade party if you want to recreate (then save) it: Spoiler Thirgalthil Level 18 Elf Warrior Bejeweled Shortsword Raxcotl's Hammer Itotia Blade Vibrant Plate Aegis Of The Defender Sergeant's Cap Heavy Hide Boots Cautious Mobility Novice Impaling Bakdok Level 18 Dwarf Wizard Stormstaff Sulphuric Staff Wand Of Seared Air Sensate's Ring Armorbane Pendant Burning Bangle Scarlet Robes Marshall's Boots Beginner Toughness Focused Electromancy Qinolilanc Level 18 Human Priest Nimbus Blade St. Forgue's Sword Ritual Straps Buckler Of Protection Zachary's Boots Medallion Of St. Vigus Tome Of The Martyr Purging Charm Novice Guidance Trained Cleansing For the others, you can just click the View button in the shop. My suggestions: http://forums.cardhunter.com/threads/suggestion-buttons-for-the-f1-console.6868/