I think it would be interesting to see stationary aura effects becoming a mechanic in the game. Possible examples are: A banner-aura that functions as a terrain attachment and causes an effect to characters within a certain range such as damage reduction or Healing Presence for allied characters or Bad Luck for enemy characters. So essentially like WoW totems. A terrain attachment with a function unknown to the enemy that triggers when they come within a certain distance, such as a bomb or a trap. Perhaps even the exact placement of the trap could be unknown to the enemy until they trigger it. Terrain attachments that fire-off at nearby enemies at the end of the turn such as place-able turrets or traps. I think this type of mechanic would be very interesting in VP-square maps/multiplayer.
The terrain meddling sounds like a nice base for a class, kinda like an engineer kind of deal. I second that proximity as a general concept could use more love: for example could a magic attack do more damage the closer the caster to the target stands, or a step move attack could increase its damage with every step taken. I know there is charge, but i dream of a modified nimble strike, one that only does full damage when all 4 steps were taken.