[Suggestion] Post league reward schedule somewhere easy to find

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Mr. Magnifico, Mar 26, 2015.

  1. Mr. Magnifico

    Mr. Magnifico Thaumaturge

    I gather that all leagues currently follow the same reward schedule. But if it's posted anywhere, it's not somewhere obvious enough that I was able to find it. If you have a few leagues under your belt it's probably the kind of thing you know by heart, but it'd be nice to have a place to look it up for league n00bs like me. And -- who knows? -- maybe a glimpse of the shiny rewards you might get would entice more people to play leagues . . . .
  2. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    Before you enter a league, there is a enter button, a cancel button, and 3 other buttons that give information and 1 of those tells the prizes.
    Mr. Magnifico likes this.
  3. Mr. Magnifico

    Mr. Magnifico Thaumaturge

    Ah, I see it now. My mistake was trying to look it up after I had already joined the league. I realize this is kind of a look after you leap way to go about it, but once I was done with my league games I was curious about what kind of loot I might wind up with given the way the standings were shaking out.

    Go ahead, now tell me where the link to that page is once you're joined a league and make me look even stupider.
  4. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    You are right about it not telling you after you join. Here is the link for the rewards for the current league http://www.cardhunter.com/leagueprize8/ . Note you can view other league prizes if you change the number.
    Mr. Magnifico likes this.
  5. wavy

    wavy Thaumaturge

    Mr. Magnifico likes this.
  6. Mr. Magnifico

    Mr. Magnifico Thaumaturge

    Mea culpa. I did actually do a search for every thread in this forum with "league" in the title before posting, but obviously your sneaky hiding-in-plain-sight-fu defeated me.
    wavy likes this.
  7. wavy

    wavy Thaumaturge

    Fair enough - grumpy head on today perhaps...
    Mr. Magnifico likes this.

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