From a couple recent threads, it seems new players are putting too much emphasis on equipment and getting discouraged when that's not enough to win; meaning they aren't learning certain parts of the game before they're needed. Specifically, how to position your chars and more importantly, your enemies. So what if we added a new module around level 5 that included a return of the Goblin Hulk, this time armed with tons of good blocks to force players to learn how to manipulate his facing?
Might be a good stepping stone. I actually think this is more to the tune of the vets acknowledging that item randomization can put you in situations where it's harder and the new players taking off from that. Overall I think you're right, but I'm not sure a new player that hasn't visited the forums would come to that conclusion. There's of course a general expectation of being able to complete a level with the resources you're given, so if they can't find a way to beat an adventure they wonder why it's so hard.