I've been a bit dissatisfied with the way cards with the 'halt' mechanic function currently. It seems to be a catch-all that doesn't always deliver the spirit of the card effect, and additionally, there are a lot of (understandably) popular cards that negate this. Entangling Roots: Current: So. Your warrior is suddenly trapped in a writhing vine, but wait, what if you just Order him to move? Suddenly, he can run across the room. But the vines move with him. Does any of this make sense? And also, does it add anything to gameplay?... There are a number of more interesting mechanics that come to mind. My personal favourite would be for Roots to completely immobilise the captured char, but have hit points (3-5). If sufficient damage is done then the roots are cut and the char is free, but any extra damage will carry over to the trapped char. In other words, you would have to attack your own character to free them, with the roots acting like Rusty armor with an added immobilising effect. This would offer some intriguing scenarios and better tactical applications. Another option would be to have Roots target a square rather than a character. Not that relevant in a 1 turn duration card, but at least it would feel more in keeping with the card theme. There are many other cards with the 'Halt' mechanic and they all seem to me to want to do something slightly different. Unfortunately that opens up too broad a discussion for a particular thread, so lets stick to roots for now.