[Suggestion] New Bandit Behavior

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Foz, Feb 3, 2015.

  1. Foz

    Foz Lizardman Priest

    This came up a few times in another thread, but since it's off topic there (and might easily be missed among the dozens of posts) I'm bringing the idea here to make the official suggestion.

    Bandit could be redesigned to include a Bandit "chase." You would be given the first link in hunting down your bandit, and upon completing that module, you'd find another clue leading to the next module. After a set number of modules (maybe 3?) you'd catch up with the bandit and receive the bandit drop. In this way bandit doesn't become a freebie, but you also don't have to play 30+ levels sometimes to find it, and it would better engage new players in daily activity instead of hoping they somehow stumble into it.

    Also from that thread...
  2. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    I actually saw it, liked it, and talked to Farbs about it, who also liked it. That doesn't guarantee that we'll do it ... but it's on our list of things we'd like to do!
  3. Foz

    Foz Lizardman Priest

    Awesome :)
  4. Magic Elves

    Magic Elves Thaumaturge

    Very cool, for sure. Perhaps a bit of a bonus reward for accidentally stumbling upon the bandit before you're led to him? The bandit might not have had time to hide some of his treasure because you found him so quickly, after all.
    DunDunDun likes this.
  5. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    I like this a lot. Actually I will expand a tad more on it.

    1. Bandit moves to module of lvl X
    2. If you beat a module within 2 levels from X (i.e. module level = X+/-2) you get a "You've heard bandits have been attacking travelers in this area" hint
    3. If you beat a module within 1 levels from X (i.e. module level = X+/-1) you get a "A man informs you Bandits are hiding somewhere near" hint
    4. If you beat a module of lvl = X (but not the module the bandit is hiding in) you get a "You found fresh trails left by the Bandits. They must be close!" hint
    5. When you finally hit the module the bandit is currently at, you are presented an exclusive adventure instead of the normal module.
    6. If you beat the bandits adventure, you are rewarded with the hidden stash
    7. You have only one attempt to beat the bandits adventure. If you happen to lose, you're presented with a "The Bandits managed to escape while you were recovering." message
    Merdis, DunDunDun, timeracers and 2 others like this.
  6. Accent

    Accent Hydra

    This is a fantastic idea, but obviously would require quite a bit of time. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing the rest of it implemented (sans custom adventure) in the game as is now, though. It retains the extensive searching mechanic, but doesn't make it as onerous as it is now, while also avoiding serving up the Bandit on a platter. (I think beating 2-3 adventures is just too easy)
  7. Magic Elves

    Magic Elves Thaumaturge

    Anything with these words make my day. It could be something as simple as swapping the opponents with bandits of varying difficulties and guard dogs, as well. The only thing I could see as a problem here would be if the bandit was in an unbought treasure hunt, or even worse, a level 18 treasure hunt because they're not even visible until you beat the first half of AotA :confused:
    timeracers likes this.
  8. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    The suggestion just became way more involved! Hahaha. Dream large, friends. :)
    Bandreus likes this.
  9. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    It's only worth dreaming if you dream big ;)
  10. Fifjunior7

    Fifjunior7 Hydra

    Good idea, though what happens if he is in a module that you don't own?
  11. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    Well, since the Bandit's position (unlike the fairy's) is calculated per-player, the system can adapt to that instance.

    Actually, I have no clue if the Bandit can actually move to a module you haven't unlocked yet?
  12. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    This sounds like it would take about 5 adventures on average to find him. You only need at most four to get the first hint (Shieldhaven, Cardstock, Tvericus, and Compass will cover everything), two to get the third hint (levels within 1 of the first hint can't have the bandit), then however many are in the final level in the worst case.
    Bandreus likes this.

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