[Suggestion] MP map rotation

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by scorpion_wins, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. One of the issues I found when I played MP was that it was very easy to get bored with the rotation. Playing each map 6 times per 20 games or whatever is clearly at least a little boring. Why not create a poll of the favourite maps from the previous 2 rotations and add in those 2 maps?
  2. Chompman

    Chompman Mushroom Warrior

    If they add too many of them at once then it would be hard to build decks around.
  3. This is of course a matter of opinion but for me that's part of the problem. At certain rankings you get to a situation where everyone quickly moves closer and closer to an unexploitable team and each match becomes a 0 EV drudge-fest. Having a couple of maps in there creating a non-perfect solution adds diversity.

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