[Suggestion][MP]Battle time shortens with ELO

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Mosalla, Jan 12, 2014.

  1. Mosalla

    Mosalla Orc Soldier

    Suggestion is to shorten maximum time when your rating goes up. Simple example:

    ELO 1-999 - 20 mins
    ELO 1000-1099 - 19 mins
    ELO 1100-1199 - 18 mins
    ELO 1200-1299 - 17 mins
    ELO 1300-1399 - 16 mins
    ELO 1400-9999 - 15 mins

    And yes I know it seems like penalizing you for your rating, but in the longer perspective it should be seen as learning your times when you go up the ladder and 15 mins is a natural duration you should aim to play within. It would also give a very small advantage to a player with lower rank which is not that terrible I think. 15 minutes are enough for most current builds I think.
    This would not help fast players much when they meet a low thinking or new gamer, but it could reduce time of games dragged by some people who do not focus on game but watch TV or do other stuff in the meantime.
  2. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    The most fun and dramatic games of card hunter I have played involved my opponent and I going down to the last minute, playing as well as possible, really thinking about every move, planning ahead, etc.. So I kind of hate this idea. It would be cool though if there were a blitz format.
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  3. Martin K

    Martin K Goblin Champion

    (Already posted this elsewhere)

    Most CH MP battles are quite short, but there is the occasional game that turns into a battle of patience. As I wrote elsewhere, a good way to reflext this would be to set the timer at 5:00 and add a minute every round. That way, really cool battles won't be stopped by the timer, but you keep the annoying guys who like to have a cup of tea before playing their first card on a short leash.

    I also don't mind giving an extra minute or two to new players. Maybe for the first 20 games? Or reknown < 18?
    Don't tie it to ELO - there are already enough incentives to tank your ranking, we don't need another...
    Kalin and Flaxative like this.
  4. Bad idea imo. Why make things overly complicated just to save a few minutes? It would be super confusing if your clock changed all the time.

    I would like to see a 15 minute clock because I think 20 minutes is a bit too much.

    I would also like to see a system where you would always have 10 seconds to make a move, even if your clock was zero. Here's how it would work: Once your clock reaches 0, the font would turn red and a kind of "Hurry Up!" window would open. You then have exactly 10 seconds to make your move. If you make your move during those 10 seconds, and keep doing it round after round, you could in theory play for eternity. But if you fail to make a move during that 10 seconds, you will timeout and lose. This is of course taken from chess where a similar system is used (don't know the name of it). It's a great way to avoid timeout but also make sure that matches don't last too long.
  5. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Super confusing if your clock changed all the time... a lot of chess formats use time controls that add time when you move, as do most go formats I believe? It's a way better system.
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  6. Mosalla

    Mosalla Orc Soldier

    I was curious what people thought about that. ;) And yes, I think that time added per move (when low on time) is also a solution.
    Would changing time be confusing? I have no idea. I don't care about time usually. There were a few times when my opponent ran out of it though. But usually it was already lost game they tried to prolong for some reason.

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