Since gp is now a far more important resource in the game than it used to be, how about the following? 1) club members earn X gp for each PvP win, and Y (much smaller than X) for each PvE win -- club membership was only ever useful for farming, and it really needs to become useful some other way 2) allow gifting of gp between accounts -- pizza-to-gp is still not really viable (imo 25gp/p is about right), so there shouldn't be problems with fraud
I don't think making anything tradable is a good idea. Multiplayer chests are going to pay out much higher. I could see people just creating a bunch of accounts, trading wins, and selling off items to farm gold.
Trading would invite actual gold farmers. The real ones, not us homebrew dabblers. Do we really want chat to be flooded with gold seller ads? Trading is a definite no-go. Also, any system where you can transfer wealth between accounts combined with the limitless free accounts will immediately lead to mass account stripfarming to benefit mains. Just the free 125 pizza each account gets pretty fast would be mondo primo grist for this inevitable mill. No can do. Gifting gold would have community benefits but it would definitely need to be admin expedited. That's probably too much ongoing effort for the gains. Maybe some mostly-automated system could be set up but it would eat considerable dev resources which aren't necessarily in the offing for this purpose.
I agree that club membership needs to be more useful. I haven't felt the need to renew my membership since it first ran out... I was thinking club members could select one free item from the shops each week or even just get a discount in the shops.
I've said it before, the only reason to buy club membership is for that one shiny, and then spend a month playing CH more than usual. Now as for what to do about this, who knows.