[Suggestion] More versitile Elven Skills

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Soltis, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. Soltis

    Soltis Goblin Champion

    It seems to me that a lot of the Elven Skill items aren't terribly useful. Frequently offering up maybe one good card and either two less than stellar movement cards or a less than stellar movement card and a crippling negative trait.

    For the race that starts off with the lowest health I'm really not sure why Vulnerable is a regular staple. Especially now that Vulnerable has been buffed to +2 damage from incoming attacks. Cowardice also seems to appear fairly regularly on cards that don't even come close to justifying potentially discarding all your attack cards.

    There seem to be a lot of Elven themed cards that have made it onto boots and weapons for everyone to use but are mysteriously absent from Elven Skill items, which instead get cards like cautious sneak, walk and shuffle. Even Elven Scamper is at fairly evenly matched if not exceeded by a good portion of the team move cards, tho those are now effected by encumber.

    It perplexes me to some degree why cards like Disorienting Block, Hard to Pin Down and Thick Hide Armor aren't found anywhere on Elven Skills. Cards that incorporate movement but aren't specifically limited to being movement cards.

    Don't get me wrong there are certainly some decent movement cards on some of the Skill items too like Quick Run/Step and Healing Run, Flanking Move can also be useful sometimes but it seems too frequently they are the "good" card on the skill.

    It would just be really nice to see more items that have utility beyond simply increasing your chances of drawing a full hand of movement cards. Maybe Some Thick Hide armor here and there instead of just a Walk, etc.

    What about an Elven specific Aura that boosted all movement (including step moves) by 1 as well as adding to block/armor rolls by 1. Which would play to the elves being mobile and agile instead of the whole elves are weak, cowardly and bruise easily shtick that seems to be far too prevalent.

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