Muscle Through is a unique and many-sided action. I like the card, would like to use it and see others play it more often. But i find the items with it lack variety, or even general appeal for the minor or major token they demand. Its paired way to often with Charge or other weakish cards, a double or triple item isn't even in the pool. I hear the card effect itself is going to change, why not introduce a few new items to accompany that?
The problem is the gold grade of this card. Except for some leagues where it could be more useful, this card is way overrated. It should be at least a 3 move card or a silver one to see more use. And the thing that you said, that it's paired with weak cards, is true, but it's also part of the same problem. If it was a silver card, then it would be paired with stronger cards.
Stop right there, this is definitely no suggestion to change the cards already powerful effect. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Muscle Trough is free move, it got an unblockable effect that has the potential to rearrange all characters in MP. I got use for that. Others got use for that. The current options prevent me from making use of it. I agree that card quality is indeed debatable to open up more card combinations, but even the current restrictions leave a wide spectrum of possible combinations untouched. The more options, the more players might pick up on it.
I don't think it's as useful as you think it is, but ok, let's leave that aside. Given that Team Run is one of the most powerful and used move cards in MP, I could see people using something like Wlakwa's Boots but with Muscle Through instead of Violent Spin. I would still prefer Wlakwa's Boots, but at least I would think about it.