I think one of the reasons card hunter is difficult to access for new players is because when you first start the game, there are so many cards available on every item that choosing the best one for your party becomes tedious. This is a good thing for veteran players because it creates a skill barrier where you aren't just playing decorated rps. One mechanic that would help ease newbies into the game would be to have multiple copies of the same card on most common items, even if these items are less powerful than their uncommon or rare counterparts. It also is better as a teaching tool this way, because you realize the effects of using 6 chops vs 6 bludgeons much faster than you realize a distribution of 3 and 2 vs 2 and 3.
The fact that you can win quite easily no matter what deck you have for a long while makes this game so accessible for new players....as time goes by ( and boy does it go by), you realise that 'this card' works better here and you can't damage 'this creature' with 'that card'. A sign of a good game is one that is 'easy to understand' and 'hard to master' and CH certainly has that.