[SUGGESTION] Make cantrips playable before traits

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Eren, Feb 24, 2015.

  1. Eren

    Eren Orc Soldier

    Opens up new possibilities.
    Adds depth.
    Why not?
  2. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    Well, since playing a trait doesn't make you pass the turn just like cantrips, the utility of playing one before the other is questionable.

    Actually, since traits make you draw more cards, you would likely want to play the trait first anyways basically almost every time.

    Unless you have some very specific scenario in mind, I would doubt this would add any new concrete possibility or depth, but rather some more complexity to the flow of the turn.

    I mean, I can see some very niche cases where this might be used (say, moving before applying Trip), but aside from a very small set of specific use-cases? Please do shed some more light on it by making a concrete example of why this might be a good idea, if at all possible.
  3. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    I could see it also coming into play for impetuous blast/slash/heal. But ultimately a trait is defined as a card that must be played before other cards. It would add depth, but also complication and confusion too often I think.
    Merdis, Sir Veza and timeracers like this.
  4. Eren

    Eren Orc Soldier

    I was thinking this, to make such cards more usable as I don't see them in MP at all. Another use could be using battlefield training / advanced battlefield training on a character with better position, further increasing the value of the card by making it a card draw pretty much, plus actually making use of traits like blind rage, or an elf training a dwarf how to be mobile (elven mobility) for example.
    Other uses I can think of: vampire cantrip attacks before fright (although I don't know if this would be possible as the cards don't actually have cantrip on them), priest cantrip heals before damaging traits to prevent random card draw death and move before trip or loner.

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