[Suggestion] Logical balance change to winds of war

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Ricey, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. Ricey

    Ricey Kobold

    To start off I don't think this cards is overpower, there is just one aspect of it that bothers me. That being that you get to choose the movements after the blocking phase is over. As it is now you can cast the spell with a certain movement in mind, but if one of the characters blocks you can then move the other character differently to your original plan. An example of this would be you want to move your warrior and an enemy next to each other, but he blocks so you decide to move your warrior to a control point instead. It would be more logical if you choose the location the characters move before they get a chance to block the spell. This change could also be used for other enemy movement cards.
    spacedust and Bandreus like this.
  2. Gerry Quinn

    Gerry Quinn Goblin Champion

    Sometimes more logical is also more complicated. I think the ethos of Card Hunter is to choose the least interface complexity.
  3. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    I actually like the proposed change.

    WoW is an incredibly powerful card and allows for a vast number of dangerous setups. I love how Ricey is suggesting the card should be balanced in a way other than simply nerfing its statistics. Furthermore, I feel like introducing a risk/reward element for the casting player would also spring interesting gameplay dynamics surrounding the card.
    spacedust likes this.
  4. karadoc

    karadoc Hydra

    I don't really have a strong opinion about the suggested change. I will point out though that a few other cards would need to be changed in a similar way to maintain consistency, and that it might complicate the interaction with Reflect Missile and similar cards.

    If Winds Of War was to be nerfed, my suggestion would be to change its push affect so that it could only push characters in straight lines - like Charge. I reckon that change would help differentiate the card from Advanced Telekinesis and force players to think even more carefully about their positioning when using the card. And I think that change would suit the theme of the card.
    Zalminen likes this.
  5. Ricey

    Ricey Kobold

    I don't think this change would make the interface any more complex, its simply changing the order of events

    For reflect it is simple, just have the caster move in the same direction as the reflected target would have moved and yes if they implement this change for winds they should do it for all similar card.

    This suggestion is not about nerfing winds per se, its about getting the spell it work in a more logical manner and if that results in a nerf so be it.
  6. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    It's much more complex when factoring in triggered events when somethings happen. Block and reactive card can change a character's position before he move, there are cards that only trigger when he move etc...

    Same direction is a very ambiguous solution. Movement consists of moving and facing, happen simultaneously for each step toward the destination. What if your character cannot reach the destination, what is the closest ? How do we determine the direction and the closest point ?

    I don't see it getting more logical, it just introduce a risk factor into winds of war, reduce the potential possibility of it (which is preciously what makes a card strong). I'm not agree or disagree with this changes, just pointing out that it is in fact a nerf. There's no reason to avoid calling it that way.

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