When looking for any posts about this I discovered that used to be the case but I didn't discover why it changed. I was very disappointed that Gary didn't let me choose my own deck when I tried my dip into multiplayer.
Gary says that he will give you the Adventurer deck for free. The others are 50 pizza with no option to choose a different one for your free deck that I saw.
This is because everyone picked the same deck and if they didn't they lost. Now everyone gets the well rounded deck and i think its much better this way personally.
The only pizza Gary gave out was to demonstrate buying chests with pizza (which I used for that purpose) and to buy a new character figurine from Cuthberts costumes (which I spent on two more chests and some gold instead because why get a character figurine when I can get something useful?). I didn't try multiplayer until after that and anticipating being able to choose my starting deck instead of having the choice made for me (after all I got to choose my starting characters, why not these as well?) I didn't see the need to save aside some of the free pizza. Now they aren't very expensive, but right now any money I can spare towards the game is going for treasure hunts before multiplayer. I probably would have gotten around to buying this deck eventually, because yay more cards!, but it's pretty far down the list of decks I want to play. Partly because it's the same character composition as my campaign party. It's not the worst thing in the history of ever but it does sour me slightly on multiplayer to have that choice taken away from me
Having a set deck everyone gets for free helps people not being pissed at chosing the wrong one - i e not understanding which is most op. WINK WINK. Also, on a serious note - I belive a set choice makes it easier for BM to add future packs, which would be sort of unfair if new players could pick up for free et c.
You may have something of a point with your second argument, on the other hand when they come out with more classes and/or races is Gary going to just hand us a free one or will have to pay pizza or at least gold (which can be bought for pizza or just earned in game so they'll probably go with gold to avoid annoying the free players). However, if there legitimately is a deck that's overpowered (you seem to be a little sarcastic about the idea of one of them being OP but the other poster seemed serious and this is so far the argument that's come up the most against it) then that's not solved by choosing everyones free deck for them. That's a legitimate issue that needs to be fixed before the game leaves beta. If there's an OP deck and it's not the free one then multiplayer really would be pay to win.
There's a thread about power levels of the starter packs (dwarfs are looking a bit on that side), but I wasn't being totally serious in my post - however, I believe the a set choice make noone able to claim they didn't pick the right one, meaning - noone makes a bad choice (less complaints).
Don't get me wrong, you are certainly entitled to your opinions and feelings about it, however, you are complaining about getting something for free. Nothing is being taken away from you... Echos of entitlement aside, just being given a deck as opposed to being shown the other choices and having to select the free one would be a better design decision. Or at least have the other decks locked so you couldn't select them but can still see that they become unlocked and are available for purchase after you claim the free deck. So, if I understand you correctly, you are suggesting that you are not given enough pizza to purchase other decks because the pizza you are given is to demonstrate purchasing chests and new character figures. You then describe how you didn't entirely use the pizza for the "intended" purchase and spent it in other ways. Again, I think there is some validity to your intent in that you may not have known about being able to purchase multiplayer decks yet and weren't aware of that option. I wonder how I got to the point of purchasing an additional deck. It's likely I just didn't see a point in spending it on random chests. I believe I did purchase one, and one adventure, but then continued until I jumped into multiplayer. I'm not sure about the financial returns of the tactic, but I would assume that trickling pizza and simultaneously introducing each of the ways to spend it would encourage a player to come back and spend on the type of purchases that they found most rewarding, as opposed to giving a player a pool of pizza and showing them all of the things they can do with it up front. If the intent is to have the player spend their pizza on spending opportunities as they introduced, perhaps it should be a forced situation, as it is with the multiplayer deck. If that is not the intent, then why not give the player the pizza and show them all of the ways it can be used?
Actually you aren't understanding me correctly. Sure, there's plenty of pizza to buy another deck if you know that you're not going to get a choice. Since I thought I'd be given pizza to purchase a deck just like I'd been given pizza to purchase a chest and a figurine I saw no reason to save my figurine pizza for when I decided to try multiplayer. See, the game has this whole rhythm going where when Gary introduces some new inexpensive bit that can be bought with pizza he gives you the pizza and you choose what you want. He doesn't introduce the chest shop by buying you a chest, he doesn't introduce you to the figurine shop by buying you a new Dwarf Warrior figure when what you wanted was a new Elf Wizard figure. But all of a sudden you just get handed what Gary thinks is best. It's off putting for the same reason some table top gamers would find it off putting to sit down to a tabletop RPG and just have a random pregen handed to them that they had no input in. "Here, you play the fighter." "But, I'm not really good at playing at fighters and I don't enjoy it. Can't I play that wizard right below the fighter in your stack of character sheets?" "Maybe later. Right now you're playing the fighter."
Somehow I seem to have crossed up Melvin and Gary's name and then gotten Melvin's name wrong. Let me see if the edit function will let me fix those errors, I know some boards have a limited time for you to edit old posts.
Seems like 'free' stuff gives more grief and problems than intended. I wonder who actually benefited from the freebie party....hmm. Time to rethink/remove this feature.
Yes, he give you the OPTION to buy, or not buy a chest. Same with the figure. He just goes ahead and flat out gives you a multiplayer deck without you having to pay for it. Sure, it's slightly different from the other pizza options in that, you don't get pizza, and you don't have to spend anything to get it. The option to buy others is not taken away from you. It's handed to you. Free. Actually it's much more like a collectible mini's game than an RPG: "Welcome to the game! Because you joined we want to give you a complementary set of minis that will give you a taste of everything to test it out with. There are other characters/boosters to purchase if you like it enough to continue. Have fun!" Even if you didn't like the game, you walk away with some minis. Just like you walking away with gear that can be used in the campaign. Don't see why this is bad...
Like Proxiehunter, when Gary gave me pizza for a chest, I bought a chest. When he gave me pizza for a costume, I bought two more chests. Then I discovered the Starter Shop and realized I could have bought TWO entire decks with that pizza. So I was very, very happy when Gary gave me pizza for a treasure hunt, because I could finally afford a starter deck. Then I spent a lot of time trying to decide which one would be best, and I leaned heavily towards the Adventurers simply because it had the most variety. Luckily I dithered long enough to get it for free. But I came very, very close spending all my pizza on something I was about to get for free. And I recently saw someone in MP chat who was having terrible trouble because they clearly hadn't played much, if any, of the campaign yet. If you want all newbies to get that deck, give it to them the moment they first enter multiplayer. If that makes the early campaign too easy, just lock the multiplayer until they hit a higher level.