[SUGGESTION] Info on the upcoming battle...

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by lemonpips, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. lemonpips

    lemonpips Mushroom Warrior

    It would be nice to have some info on the upcoming battle so that you can choose your equipment accordingly. Something as simple as 3 trogs and 2 dogs or whatever. It's getting pretty annoying to have a set of gear ready, go into a battle, and immediately realize that armor-reducing abilities are useless against the enemies. That kind of trial and error is tedious.
  2. Chompman

    Chompman Mushroom Warrior

    You can't know the unexpected in what you may face unless you already ran the battle before.

    New battles should remain new until you experienced them at least once so you can prepare for them the next time and use your save slots for certain ones to get a advantage over.
  3. lemonpips

    lemonpips Mushroom Warrior

    Obviously. My point is that I don't mind trial and error learning to change my strategy and tactics after a loss. However, I find it tediously annoying when I want to quit a battle immediately because the enemies clearly have armor, and I did not equip items to deal with armor. This has nothing to do with fighting a whole battle and changing your strategy and tactics based on the terrain or the flow of enemies.
  4. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

  5. lemonpips

    lemonpips Mushroom Warrior

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