[Suggestion] Implement some kind of replay functionality

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Nirvana, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. Nirvana

    Nirvana Mushroom Warrior

    With the discussion going on about single player game difficulty, the advice I see going around isn't too helpful because of the generic nature of it. It's often a variation on "use card X" (how many? when? I don't have that!), "try this if enemy Y does that" (but it didn't do that!), etc. It seems even harder to give useful advice to someone new to strategy or deck building.

    Having access to a replay of the round in question would be helpful for those seeking and giving help here. People could post a link to the replay of their last map(s) along the thread, viewable through the CH client. People could give specific advice like pointing out wrong moves, reasons why it was a wrong move, and what should have been done instead. Or just say they were never going to win with the luck they got, and should have resigned earlier, still better advice either way.
    Doctor Blue and Blindsight like this.
  2. Doctor Blue

    Doctor Blue Orc Soldier

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