Black Blade (cursed) High damage say 15 - 20 Abdominal As the Black Blade draws its power from the life of others, the Wielder must be 4 or more squares away from Ally's or they take damage. The Closer the Ally's are the more damage they take 4 squares take 1/4, 3 squares take 1/3 2 squares take 1/2 of the damage the Blade does or their HP what ever I higher. If Ally's are next to the Wielder's Square the damage they take leaves them at 1 hp. Or if this would be to hard to make it work / text on the Card. Has the KEEP factor, All heals are halved failed roll and heal is quartered and healers range is halved, Zone heals must be at least 4 squares away or fail. My idea on this part it to force a close combat fight
I'm assuming you intend this to be an attack card or perhaps a trait? There is currently no tactical mechanic that references Items at all. Items are purely defined by the cards they add to the character deck.
Sorry I'm new to the game only been playing a week so I was hoping others would point it at the correct item slot. Thanks for the feedback.
Black Blade (cursed) - Michael Moorcock might have something to say about this. High damage say 15 - 20 - Too Much Abdominal - No Such Keyword and if it's new, what does it mean? As the Black Blade draws its power from the life of others, the Wielder must be 4 or more squares away from Ally or they take damage. - Blocking terrain? Line of Sight? The Closer the Ally's are the more damage they take 4 squares take 1/4, 3 squares take 1/3 2 squares take 1/2 of the damage the Blade does or their HP what ever I higher. If Ally's are next to the Wielder's Square the damage they take leaves them at 1 hp. - does this trigger the "damaged by enemies" options on Healing cards? etc., etc.
Ok I'm only a week into playing the Beta, and this is just a Suggestion. There are way to many things for me to know on how this could be played out but. Re: Blocking terrain? Line of Sight? There are Effects that dismiss them as in Firestorm or Bless but you are right they could or even maybe should stop the negative effect if the Black Blade cannot see - sense the Ally. Re: does this trigger the "damaged by enemies" options on Healing cards? etc., etc. That is a great point and I have no idea on how this would play out so all I can say is give me Feedback and lots of it. But the way Unholy Frenzy does damage to the target may work here. Combine this withe say the effect of Bungled Heal it could be something to look into. The Devs. may just say its way to hard to get it working, I don't know. Re: Black Blade (cursed) - Michael Moorcock might have something to say about this. I got the name from the song from the band Blue Oyster Cult. So copyright maybe a problem. So maybe it could be renamed Abdominal Blade.