I would like to say I am loving the game so far. I love the classic TSR module design aesthetic and narratives. It is perfect. Which leads me to my suggestion: I think it would be great to add some "flavor" text to monsters. I always find myself right clicking on them hoping to see a popup window with an image of the card and some explanation of the creature. The text could be ala' Monster Manual. I am not sure if this is being planned, but I think it would add to the completeness of the game. I hope this is not already implemented - if it is I can't figure it out!
Please add something more to your title than just [Suggestion] in the future - some indication as to what that suggestion might be. I edited it for you.
Sorry - I realized I forgot to insert a title header after I posted. I was so worried about following the forum rules for adding a [Suggestion] I broke the most simple rule of all! I did try to go back and edit the title, but I could not find the means fix it. Sorry, and thanks for fixing it for me!