[SUGGESTION] Flag new items in shops

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Jarmo, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Please add a way to show only new items in shops. A checkbox etc. would allow using the other filters at the same time, so one could view e.g. only new weapons. Adding a new filter only would not allow this.

    Going through the shops every day in hope of finding something new and good to buy starts to feel like a chore after a few days. The "new item" flag/filter would make playing the game quite a bit more streamlined and enjoyable. The players so into the game they wish to not miss a single good item would like the game even more with this feature.

    "New items" should ideally be defined as items the player has not viewed before no matter how long ago they last viewed the shop but if this is too expensive the second best choice is items different from the last shop batch* (previous day/week depending on the shop).

    *This in turn would ideally be defined as items that weren't left in the shop the last time the player finished shopping there, not items that were originally created to be in the last batch. After all, the player can have bought some of them and would be interested to know there are now more copies available of the items he likes.

    The new items should be flagged based on their properties and not their identity. If there is one new helmet that has the same graphic, stats and cards than a now removed one (not bought, removed from inventory by the game) then this should not be considered a new item. The player doesn't care that this is a different instance of the same entity, only that it is functionally the same as one he saw the last time around. If it's an additional copy, then it should be flagged. It could be interesting that there are now two copies available, this might affect buying decisions. One item of sandstorm generation might not be enough to change one's build but two at the same time might.
  2. pliers

    pliers Goblin Champion

    There is a new item only filter in shops. Click on the All button, and it will switch to Usable, then to New.
  3. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Thanks for the tip! I had noticed the Usable option sometimes appearing but was unable to find it consistently. New, never.

    Modal interfaces. The bane of UI discoverability and learnability. Checkboxes etc. for Usable and New or a second drop-down menu would be much more transparent. All options should be visible all the time, greyed out if not currently selectable. (Ideally, a tooltip should explain why it is greyed out.)
  4. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Ah, I see, I hadn't registered the button is a toggle. The tooltip does mention it's a toggle so mea culpa there.

    The New filter is defined as "items not yet owned" (which is useful!). As defined above, a filter for the items that are different from the last shop batch would be very useful. I already saw the so-so helmet I don't own the last time and decided then not to buy it. I'd like to filter it out and only see the actually new items and not have it cluttered with the stuff I saw the last time.

    Blue Manchu, could you please add a new toggle state, "Fresh" or "Unseen" etc. that would accomplish this? Thanks for your time.

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