There have long been cards that care about whether something is an attack or a move or an armor. Shredding Strike destroys armors that are hybrid armor-boost; Fright and Trip both prevent you from playing step attacks for different reasons. With AotA, we got our first cards that care about whether something is an assist. Hybrid cards are visually prettier than mono-type cards, IMO. (Dodge is one of the most aesthetically pleasing cards in the game.) And hybrid cards lead to interesting interactions! I'd like to see more hybrid cards, and I know where we can start, without adding any cards! Barge and Winds Of War should be hybrid attack-utility (red-purple) cards. This doesn't actually change anything for now, but it would make the cards prettier. There could be emergent interactions down the line if Blue Manchu ever prints a utility-matters card. And, as an added benefit, the utility classification might help newcomers see the potential for these cards as helpful ally-pushers.
I'm not sure how important making cards "prettier" is. I do kind of like the idea of making these two cards with push/slide into Utility cards just for clarity's sake.
Instead of making a new thread about this, I'll just hop on Flax's thread from years ago. (And i know he's working on a new release too.) I amen Flax's changes above and I think the following should be changed to hybrid cards that are utility/assist since they heal: The first block should, by the same logic, be a hybrid: (green/white) and perhaps half the second's border should be purple, the third, half black: The first should be a hybrid Move/Assist card. And the second should be a hybrid Move/Utility. Should the third be a hybrid Move/Attack? With the nerf of Elven Maneuvers the following card should also become hybridized: This armor should probably be changed to hybrid Grey/Orange or Grey/White.
Right here: Just want to be able to move even if SPR is blocked. It's not really a hybrid until that happens.
Considering some of the MP balance issues and neglected cards and builds possibilities, making cards prettier should be pretty low on the priority totem pole in my opinion. I would rather see the money I spend on the game used in making new content or making sure there are more then just a few valid MP build possibilities. Or update league scoring! How is changing the border color of cards going to extend the life of Card Hunter and it's servers ?
You act like changing the color of cards takes dev resources. I am not sure but I think reprogramming the color of a card takes under a minute after getting setup.
I was thinking this for example could also be fixed in a few mere minutes: ... Hasn't happened yet.