I've been playing Elvish Trickery on my elf warriors since the card was first released. It was definitely a bomb card that finally gave me some incentive to play elvish warriors again as opposed to dwarfs. With the latest set of balance changes, trickery seems sub-par once again. While it is nice that it can affect all attacks now, more often than not, sliding your elf up to two opponents is still a bad idea even if you're holding a block or dodge to help soften the inevitable beating your squishy elf body is going to take. I'm often finding that the better trait to have is a quickrun to dash in and obliterate your opponent instead of giving up the move advantage and causing them to discard an attack. I'd like to make a suggestion to change trickery to instead cause the opponents to discard all move cards. This would still make it a very strong card but provides your opponent with at least some recourse since they still have all blocks and attacks left in their hand(assuming they are not movement blocks or step attacks). I think this would provide some decent incentive to use elvish trickery again, especially with the team move meta that is currently dominating. Any thoughts on this? Would it make the card too strong again?
All the step attacks are considered move cards, so this might be perhaps too powerful. Still, I'd also like the elvish trickery to be more powerful. How about adding " Slide 1 every character adjacent to you at the end of this move"?
Oh sure, now Elven Trickery discards 1 card per target 90% of the time AND performs a Muscle Through? Blarg. Try and put more thought into this. That is way too strong. I like Elven Trickery the way it is now. For a silver racial card it is exceptionally strong.
I it use on my mage, naturally in a more defensive context, and i wouldn't welcome a shift from attacks discard to movement discard. The move ending next to the opponent can be a problem when you aren't protected in any way (i like to combo with Cause Fumble and took a liking to Jump Back) but you could improve upon the card by adding something along the lines of Short Perplexing Ray: "...then you move 1". You could just reduce the base movement to 2 and add that additional 1 square after effect. Its your choice then if you want to go in and then back off, gaining 1 square distance, but exposing your back.