Let's face it. We like to show each other our builds and stuff sometimes. $:^ ] I'll be posting another suggestion pretty soon based on this same principal (kind of marking this as a reminder for myself), but in this thread, I'd like to discuss showing our character sheets in a simple manner. Currently, we're given a way (or two) to grab a screenshot from the console, plus operating systems tend to let users grab screenshots from the keyboard, too. (PrntScn on Windows, I don't recall the Alt+ combo on Mac, I never learned if there's a standard on Linux, etc.) Using whatever method, people have gone through a lot of trouble to show us their parties visually, bringing life and flair to their posts and to the very character of their characters. Some, like @Stormyknight, have posted one at a time along with each's stats for us. Others, like uhhh.. someone I know, have posted the whole group in one image, each sheet side-by-side in the picture; I've spent several mins looking for this and haven't re-found what my memory says exists, and that fact stands as a testament to how few people are willing to go through the trouble. I suggest Blue Manchu go through the trouble for us! $:^ D lol Seriously, I have two portions to the idea, listed after this paragraph. In general, this could be carried out by the game creating an image and either copying it to the clipboard or saving to a file. Saving to a file is probably more reasonable; I just go "meh" at my own suggestion b/c I have to leave full screen, wait for the resolution to adjust, give whatever saving command, then wait forever (well, a literal minute or so anyway,) for the JPEG save-file dialog to appear. If it were clipped, I could bring it into Paint and save my own PNG in a relative snap. Either way, though, my machine has to trudge some, and $F^ , I'm sure saving it to file is all that's really necessary, especially if both these idea portions get implemented: Perhaps simpler because it can use the currently drawn data: giving us a savecharsheetimage [quality%] (or something) console command which crops a quick image for the currently selected character in the currently displayed party (in whatever inventory screen). We could use this in conjunction with party[anddecks]bbcode (and surely party[anddecks]steamforum) to present really pretty deck-building posts. $:^ ] Surely more involved, but perhaps still fairly simple overall because it would still use current data, just not the actual drawn data: giving us a savepartysheetsimage [quality%] (or something) console command which constructs a side-by-side image using the party data for each character in the current party. We can create three images on our own, but this command would just speed up the process for us with a single procedure of command,save,upload,type instead of repeating all that 2-3 times. If we were only given this command (and not the second), then we could still remove other party members and submit the command to get an image with only a single character; this would just get repetitious in the cases when we might want to create three separate images instead (like Stormyknight); therefore, it'd certainly be nice to have both commands at our command. $:^ } If I had to choose between either #1 or #2, I'm just not sure which I'd say -- other than recognizing that #1 is probably a whole lot less work for you, the developers. Regards!
The cool kids use snipping tool on Windows and grab on Mac osx. Both let you crop while selecting an area. Just hit the windows key and type snip and it should pop up. It's real easy. I use it for every thing outside of card Hunter. So maybe give that a go?
I've used those software tools, too. Really, I don't mind hitting PrntScr and opening Paint. Ctrl+V, Ctrl+S, we're good to go. I'm just on a slow machine (that sometimes I'm surprised will even play CH lol). If this were built into the game, though, we could not only potentially speed up the process, but (like with the party[anddecks]{bbcode|steamforum} commands) we could get more uniform images to compare between builds and with each other.
There is, Flax. It amounts to the same as hitting PrntScr. A nice, uniform, "always crop to these coordinates for this size" command would be convenient -- perhaps moreso if you folks added a full-party side-by-side construct-the-image-dynamically command. EDIT: I believe when I first started writing this suggestion, I envisioned being able to hit paste on the forum and just adding the party/char image that way -- then, as I progressed through the wall of text, I saw that part probably wouldn't work, and just kind of nixed it, forgetting how big that part was in the grand scheme of the suggestion. Sorry. EDIT2: On the other hand, partybbcode isn't really necessary with partyanddecksbbcode since we can use partyanddecksbbcode and then crop out the card listings. Having partybbcode surely is convenient, though, huh? $;^ b (EDIT3: In case my point got lost, partybbcode is a convenient extra that's essentially superfluous to partyanddecksbbcode. I mentioned in the OP that we can screengrab from the console, but that this would be an extra convenience, a pre-cropped-sized-etc char/party pic.)
I think partybbcode was built first, with the "anddecks" added per user requests. So it wasn't so much added, as not removed.
@Sir Veza: Yeah, even looking through older posts this past week, I got that impression. That said, with the old partybbcode by itself, one could still follow the links to see the items. It was just a nice convenience to add the card listings, too. @Flaxative: $:^ D lol Yeah, nothing major on this request. It'd just be nice. Now, a bunch of other suggestions I just posted, I have real hope for some of those. $F^ b (I've never programmed in Flash before, but one of my favorite software tools makes it relatively easy to program a routine to draw the things you need to a custom-sized surface and use that however you wish, including saving to PNG. I figured if Flash has any similar high-level abstractions, it'd be an hour job tops to grab the coordinates for a nice auto-crop, write the function for simple grab of current char, and test for silly game-breaking typos or unexpected cases. Perhaps a little longer for a "construct an image out of all current party members' data" function, depending on Flash's internal capabilities + available libraries + CH's code modularity. And if not, oh well, thanks. Lol. $E^ b )