[Suggestion] (Easily) Expand SP Content with "Swap-sides" play mode

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Scarponi, Apr 4, 2015.

  1. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    So I thought I'd offer this idea because I think it would be a great addition, but also because I think it would be a super "low-hanging fruit" way to expand the SP content.

    What if after beating the campaign you unlocked a play mode that allowed you to replay adventures by flipping the board and "swaping sides" with the AI where you controlled the monsters and Gary/Karen/Melvin played against you with an adventuring party?

    This could be a one-and-done Quest addition, but I actually wonder if it wouldn't be even better as a alternate replayable option to the "Regular Adventure" play. So every time you go to replay an adventure you can choose "Regular Adventure" or "Swap Sides."

    This would virtually double the playable SP content without needing to create any new boards, monsters, story line, etc. The only thing that would need to be done would be to create the AI's adventuring parties. This could be done in a variety of ways (from least work to most):
    1. Just use the current MP AIs. Assign Gary, Mom, Amy, Melvin and Cardotron to certain adventure level ranges and you're done. Won't always be a perfect fit, but would probably work well enough.
    2. Create 18 different AI decks, one for each Adventure level and apply accordingly.
    3. Create custom decks by individual adventure or adventure grouping (such as the same deck would work for the two Level 7 trog adventures). Even this wouldn't take that much work relatively speaking and would result in the best competition at each adventure.
    Sir Veza, Letharis, Maniafig and 5 others like this.
  2. BlackVoidDeath

    BlackVoidDeath Guild Leader

    Interesting idea, but it is easy enough to copy a map + characters, although you wouldnt get a prize you may add your own twist to it. - and you can fight other players in MP
  3. Youbo

    Youbo Orc Soldier

    I think this is a great idea,but it would take a lot of time to make an interesting and balanced AI's adventuring party for each level.
  4. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Would it? For how much content is gained? I've never done any real programming so I don't actually know. But in-game I throw new teams together for an adventure all the time, it takes me about 10 mins. at the longest. That'd be about one 8 hour work day if you did a unique team for each adventure (which isn't necessary). Obviously there'd be any number of other programming aspects that would need to be added, but it seems to me not only is the capacity for this already in the game's programming, but the majority of the work that is unique for adding content (creating boards, monsters, cards, etc) is also already done.

    In the end it's only an idea, if the devs like it they can take it and run with it. Either way, it's not going to really even be thought about before the new expansion obviously.
  5. Youbo

    Youbo Orc Soldier

    I was not talking about the programming aspect(I am not knowledgeable enough for that) but about the creative aspect. Sure,making an new team to play an adventure is simple but it is different here since we are making the teams for the AI.
    First of all,it will be THE single team that everyone will play against. When making teams for our party,we can casually stuff a few items and play the adventure and it will likely work fine,and there is a lot of very different possible teams that will work ranging from crappy and awesome but here, we can only choose one. We would need to spend a lot of time thinking what cards would make the most fun and balanced team adapted to the particularities of the monsters in each adventure.
  6. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    This is a great idea. Maybe I'll bug Jon to work on it after the expansion. I've got a top-secret SP-expanding project I'm working on as well, but I could easily throw together the parties to make this 'quest'y mode fun. And Youbo ... it doesn't need to be balanced :D
  7. Youbo

    Youbo Orc Soldier

    If you say so. you are the one on the the devteam after all.
    Sound like we will get this soon after the expansion. Looking forward to it! :D
  8. Bluemage

    Bluemage Hydra

    Flax said there's only 1 AI, so the differences are in the teams they have. Be fun if the AI could use your single player team against you.
  9. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Yes this crossed my mind momentarily as a possibility too, but if it was done it'd have to be for no loot since it would be too easy to make a junk team to farm. So essentially I don't see it working as a mode people would play much.
  10. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    The adventuring teams (played by the AI) would need to have tighter decks than the monsters, and probably stronger cards. (Like global Firestorm, etc.)
  11. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Yeah I would expect some cards in their decks that aren't available to human players just to make up for the AI-ness. But I would also suspect (and this is part of what I think is fun/interesting about this idea) that the difficulty of most of the levels would be inverted. So when you play as the White Dragon you'll probably cruise to a win w/o too much trouble, but then when you go to the Wizards Workshop, good luck when all you're drawing is armor! :)
    Sir Veza likes this.

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