I did a mp game this morning (~13 hours ago) to get the 18 hour reset going, but it seems if you don't win a game the timer will reset. Perhaps giving players an option to reset the timer if that is what they want, but don't force it? I know this morning my MP timer was ticking, but when i logged on and started playing tonight it was at 18 hours again after winning. I much prefer going for the first 2, or rarely 3 gold chests. This is not due to not wanting to play enough games to get 20 wins, but that the wait timer for a game gets really long as you go on. This is actually the most frustrating part of multiplayer from my perspective and why I don't go beyond that point (hence why i wanted to have my timer reset sooner - more games with less waiting).
I'm confused. You don't want the 18 hour timer to start if you stop playing? As in, you only want it to count down when logged in to the game? I would go for that, but it would have to be reduced. I only see the timer as an enemy when going for the Epic chest. The 18 hours is actually barely enough to do it in as well. My first had 5 hours, second 1 hour left. But I had a break between the first few games and the long grind when I got to sit down and really play. By having it always run, I am coerced into playing for it to continue my charge to the Epic. If it only ran when I was/on MP, then I would be weird. As it would be easier to acquire, since it only mattered to count when I was on, and I could string this time out until those 18 or whatever hours is up. Only playing games at 5am if I wanted to. Consequently, if the time doesn't reset while I am off, then I would be stuck going for the Epic and not able to farm a few wins for two gold chests. I would hate to have to sit there, watching the clock countdown after I get 6 wins.
I want the 18 hour timer to always run. I just don't want it entirely cleared if you don't win a game and take a break (it is exactly as if you had not even played the first game when you return). To be extremely clear, i lost one game. Then 13 hours later when i returned and won a game the timer was 18 hours. I want it to be 5 hours at that time.
It sounds like the request is for the timer to start when you *play* your first game, whether you win or lose, instead of only starting when you *win* your first game. Would that be correct?
If that is how the internal mechanic works, then yes. From what I've seen before the timer starts even when you lose your first game.