I was thinking about how to make Elf Wizards a little more playable, and came up with this idea... Right now Dimensional Traveller is just a weaker Slippery with a useless Teleport tacked on. But what if we changed it to add Teleport to your racial move instead? It would still be a bronze uncommon duration 3 trait. It would only affect actual racial moves, never cards from your deck even if they're the same card (implementation could check if the card source is a race).
This would make thematic sense, but it would be very powerful. Too powerful for a bronze card? Maybe, but not my call.
I found the teleport suffix always odd, guess a simple step wasn't magic enough. But whatever kind of moving it is, i find dimensional traveler fills a important defensive function and can spice ranged battle up. Remember humans dont got access to slippery. Its an interesting idea since it is limited to wizards. But it would make teleport self less even less attractive.
If this change is implemented, then Dimensional Traveller's quality should be changed, to at least "gold". This trait would be game-changer in MP on some maps.
I was thinking silver instead of gold because it would only affect the actual default movement card, and couldn't be played as a move on its own. Teleport Self would be more powerful and could not be purged or displaced, but it also counts toward hand size. This change would negate Dimensional Traveller's usefulness in and against volcano builds, and might be opposed on these grounds. Tracking which move cards of a type are default might be too difficult and make this a non-starter. It's a really neat idea, though!
The devs have mentioned before that at this point they recognize that any trait should be at least a silver because it draws a card (think Inspiration) and does so with a "cantrip effect," thus it would be hard to see this suggestion not being gold. Or put another way, a bronze trait doesn't need a buff, regardless of what it does/doesn't do.
I think leaving it as-is but making it Move 2 would be nice and more in-line with the card's quality. Move 2 teleport would make it way more versatile then it currently is (phase through difficult/blocking terrain, or even people for more easily escaping dire situations), while still avoiding to turn it in a Teleport Self in disguise. I feel that if DT granted teleport to your other move cards (even racial ones only), that'd make the trait way too powerful. As others pointed out, such a card couldn't possibly be bronze anymore, which basically means the change would never happen. Changing it to Move 2, would still make it pretty similar to Slippery, but I think the traits would remain different enough. On the other hand, I'd be very worried about Hover. DT is already pretty much superior to Hover in almost all instances, so slightly buffing DT would likely mean killing Hover almost entirely. Not that Hover ever was that much popular to begin with, but still. I somewhat agree, but I think slightly buffing under-used traits would still be pretty much okay. I'd like to add some more thoughts on the specific issue, but I don't want to derail the thread.
Electroporter Novice would be buffed by this change... it's already the single best class skill in the game, so I'd be very careful making it even better.
But because we have most of the traits on class skills are bronze(so obviously class skills slots are better) so we can keep the pattern so it can be silver.
Really? People get Electroporter Novice because it's 3xtraits for no tokens. Making DT slightly bettere isn't gonna change much on that side of things. On the other hand, the teleportation branch of skills might become actually playable. Anyway, you could always remove a trait card from Electroporter Novice, as (I think?) is the only instance of an all-traits token-free skill. Exluding the ones with handicaps ofc.