[Suggestion] Dimensional Traveler Timing

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Sir Veza, Jan 18, 2015.

  1. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I suggest Dimensional Traveler movement occur after resolving character attachments and before resolving terrain attachments.

    Rationale: The movement has no effect upon character attachments, and it gets annoying to have to choose a location for characters who are going to die immediately after you place them. Just let them die where they are, and get on with the game.
    In Stexe terminology, it isn't meaningful decision making.
  2. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    The problem is that DT is a character attachment (and I assume you want the same thing for Slippery). So now we have three parts to the attachment phase: non-movement char, movement char, terrain. This will cause more confusion for the players and possibly the programmers.
  3. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    I can see Veza's point, but I guess this is more of a UI issue than a rules/systems one.

    BTW: in some (I guess very rare) instances, you might still want to move by means of Dimensional Traveler, Slippery or similar cards before finally hitting the nail.

    Take the following instance: Character has the following attachments applied: Dimensional Traveler, Healing Presence, Glob Of Flame. Also suppose those are going to take effect in the order they are listed.

    Even if the char is going to die by Burning damage, you might still want to Dimensional Travel next to an ally, in order to benefit from the healing effect of Healing Presence.

    So, imho, the fact DT (and similar cards) is part of the usual attachments queue makes for some interesting situations. I do share the frustration caused by the need to manually move characters (2 clicks required, even when you want your char to stay where he is), but I think that might be solved at the UI level.

    I.e. by adding a button labeled as "Don't move" or "Keep Position" or w/e, letting the char stay where he is, not changing the current facing direction. This might be applied to step attacks too, which suffer from the same issues (i.e. when using a step-attack while camping a VS).
    Sir Veza and karadoc like this.
  4. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Good points. It's what I get for suggesting when I'm tired. (I farmed >4k gp yesterday with 0 legendary & one epic treasure, and came up with this at the end of the run after being annoyed by it for hours.) I withdraw the suggestion.
    Side note: Healing Presence and Healing Benediction have been removed from player items, but they might make a comeback.
    @Bandreus I like the UI idea (Don't Move button), but it may be asking a bit much of the devs.
    Question: Do character attachments trigger oldest to newest, newest to oldest, or some other order? I've watched, but it seems to vary at times.
  5. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    Yes, they should trigger oldest to newer. I'm relatively sure this is the intended way attachments work, although I never actually tested this extensively enough for me to affirm no exceptions whatsoever exist.

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