I've been experimenting a bit, creating lots of low level characters and playing low level adventurer with them to get a feel for race/class combos. Now I want to clean up after the failed experiments and noticed that there is no option to delete characters. I would have expected such an option in the pile of unused characters. How about adding that option to delete unused characters?
Deleting characters, or just generally a better sorting options (alphabetically or by level or class) is sorely needed.
I'd like to second (third) this, as I decided to create a low level party to tour the dungeons that are too low for my main party. And then another when that one leveled up. And now... well, it's getting hard to keep track of what I'm doing. That's not out of the ordinary, I guess. Also, it's odd to me that it's so tedious to get a higher level party in a low level dungeon. I see that there are suggestion threads for "sets", which seems an obvious thumbs up anyway, but some way to manage that without sets would also seem practical.