Okay, this is somewhat off-kilter in respect to how the game currently runs, and obviously a bit derivative, but I personally find it somewhat compelling- Daily Challenge Objectives- as examples: Kill 20 kobolds. Kill 15 Oozes. Kill 8 Ogres. Kill 3 Dragons. I'd offer non-kill objectives as examples, but any other ideas I come up with are hindered by randomization [ie, find a rare treasure or find the hidden bandit would be rather unfair ones for people with short time (or bad luck)]. Anyway, the benefit would only be a gold chest [perhaps equivalent to 3rd pvp completion], so nothing too profound; But it could add a bit of daily flair to any grinding processes. The kills tally between different adventure runs, and even pvp (though you'll only find elves, dwarves, and humans there :X Which now makes me want to totally push non-standard parties (eg, 3x ogres) for the PvE-PvP suggestion. Anyway, definitely not something that can be worked in any time soon, but I thought I'd throw it out and see what kind of interest there was in it [and what non-kill concepts we could come up with] I mean, as an alternative form of effective randomized content, I'm all down for a randomized 'endless dungeon' that scales to player level, as well. Doesn't mean we can't add both, though~
Lately, I've been really short on time, and that's been my main reason for not playing even Loot Fairy; But yeah, I have to say, having those challenges would definitely compel me to use what free time I had on the game more. On the flip side, the new [preset party] leagues have been compelling enough that I've given them a shot. With my circumstances, I still get exhausted too fast to get far in terms of league progress, but the inherent designs are compelling and, most important to me, easily accessible. So even if I only get one run in, it's still one that's fun and not overly stressful. So that's been a great little change of pace