[SUGGESTION]: Co-op mode

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Parzivus, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. Parzivus

    Parzivus Kobold

    So I've been playing a bit of card hunter and it seems like a cool game with a lot of unique features. However, one feature I have not seen is a co-op mode. What I have envisioned is something a lot like D&D, but played in card hunter. Players could each control one character and could either alternate turns, which would be easier but give each player less time playing, or everyone at once, which would keep everyone playing but would likely be hard to implement. You could even add a GM to play all the monsters. Is there a plan to add this at a later date, or is it too removed from the other game modes? Just curious, as I would love to play card hunter with my friends rather than soloing like I do now.
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Yes, this is one of the more common suggestions - so you're not alone in wanting this. If you search the forums, I'm sure you kind find a lot of similar requests, and the devs have said that is something they want to add to the game (and there has been some experimental code testing some aspects of this). However, it's not their current priority - which for now seems to revolve around releasing more content for both mp and sp players, as well as looking into getting a tablet version working.
  3. Parzivus

    Parzivus Kobold

    Ah, ok. Should have looked around a bit first. Thanks for the info and the quick responce

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