Circle of Hands Priest and ally's gather around the enemy to damage it and in turn heal themselves. Damage is halve of the enemies current HP that is then dealt back to the group as healing. As it is not possible to make a full Circle, the Priest must be in the centre of the link / joining of hands. Example of single Priest Group. W E P F
Ok I'm only a week into playing the Beta, and this is just a Suggestion. With many more people that have been playing for much longer then me, that is the type of feedback I want. Thanks Skip. I was just thinking of: 1: The Risk needed for it to work, all of the players need to get into position leaving them open to Attack - this may make it hard in the first place. 2: I would think it would be used on a high HP and there for High damage dealing Enemy. 3: So its a risk versus reward maneuver. 4: The way I look at it Bosses cannot be circled in the way I look at the intention the spell to work, again that would be up for debate. 5: Reduce the damage to say 1/3 or 1/4 of the Enemy HP