Three proposals this time connected to game chat: 1. It would be nice if Lobby chat would be accessible in Single Player campaign somehow. It lets you build community better, help new players and keep in touch with others. This should be optional and because chat window would distract new players one should be able to hide it and show it anytime. 2. When PvP battle ends there is no way to see last line of chat. I suggest to add a tab or a switch to Lobby window, which would only store history of battle chats and tells from others (see below). It is rarely needed but sometimes it is, especially if you were offended at the end or you would like to record some links or other stuff from it but game ended. It should not be cleared between battles. I would call it Local Chat (see below). Local Chat window could also serve as a server massages window, errors, acknowledgments, tournaments, etc. It could be also called "Room", "Board", "Table" or something like that to stay in the climate of people talking over game board. 3. Tells directed at specific person. While you work on Friends idea (I hope), one should be able to send tells not only to Friends but to any active player. This could use Local Chat window and blink its tag, when new private message arrives. The easiest way is probably by adding some slash command like /t <name> or /tell <name>. Reply to last sender could use /r shortcut. You know the drill. This could work in Single Mode so it would mean that Local Chat should be available there as well. Nice addition would be either a specific small button to send tells or/and a list of player names to select from. But with a reply function it is not a huge deal.
I was just thinking about this so I made a search before I posted a new thread. +1 to all of these Just wanted to keep this Idea alive and well