[Suggestion] Chain Scenarios

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Scarponi, Jun 1, 2015.

  1. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    I don't know enough about programming to know if this is possible, but I thought I'd throw the idea down for @Farbs or whoever else if it would be easy enough to build onto the current system. I'm not sure how to describe this succinctly so bear with me.

    The general idea is that it would be great if you could trigger a secondary spawn event at some point during a scenario. Not a respawn, but actually a separate spawn that could have entirely different monsters than the opening round spawn. So you kill a Trog Wizard only to find that doing so makes him respawn as a dragon!

    It seems this might be feasible to initiate in some way as a partial secondary scenario that has as its trigger the completion of the "victory condition" of the primary scenario which instead of showing the victory animation and exiting to the loot screen triggers the secondary spawn action and resets the victory conditions (potentially to different values). So it's almost like it would load an entirely 2nd scenario except the map wouldn't change and the placement and current HP of living characters on the map would be retained.
    Christofff, CT5 and Flaxative like this.
  2. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    This would be awesome :3
  3. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    Or imagine if we could have cards that spawn monsters, clearly they would have high rating or requires discarding or both.
    uhlik likes this.
  4. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    I originally thought the current respawn system would do this, but it didn't. What the current system does is only respawn chars that actually died in this game.

    What I wanted to happen was: chars that failed to spawn the first time because there wasn't enough spawn points are put in a respawn queue for that player. And when a char dies, it is added to the end of the respawn queue. When a respawn event happens, the game fills each unoccupied spawn point with the first valid char from the respawn queue (queued chars would need to know which group they were part of).

    An example:
    4 "any group" spawn points.
    group 1: 5 goblin grunts
    group 2: 2 lizardman darters
    group 3: 3 baby wyverns

    First round you see four goblins spawn. First respawn (if all spawn points are unoccupied) you see a fifth goblin, the lizards, and a wyvern. Second respawn you see two more wyverns and the first two chars that have died so far.
  5. Christofff

    Christofff Guild Leader

    Just a thought,

    You could also build on the "resetting conditions" idea,

    And nmake a more pimped-out map, like if he reaspawns as a dragon, the map is fierhy and filled with lava pits which shoot lava at random times, etc.

    Like descending into hell or somethihng.

    At least, that's what it was like, when I went down there.

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